Nearby towers (miles)
New Prospect, LWT002, 7.07 N 
Anthony Hill, GLT001, 10.49 E 
Westpoint, LWT003, 18.13 W 
Center, LWT001, 18.8 NW 
Pierce, GLT002, 19.4 NE 
Ovilla, WYT005, 22.74 NW 
Flanigan Hill, MUT001, 22.92 N 
Summertown, LET002, 24.15 N 
McGlamerys, WYT004, 28.14 W 
Molino, LIT002, 30.94 E 
Gill Chapel, MST001, 31.47 NE 
Hohenwald, LET001, 33.25 NW 
Waynesboro, WYT006, 34.78 NW 
Weatherly, HIT006, 36.29 N 
Flat Woods, WYT001, 37.88 NW 
Lutts, WYT003, 38.18 W 
Hardins Creek, WYT002, 39.52 W 
Hornertown, HIT003, 41.46 NW 
Kelso, LIT001, 45.1 E 
Theta, MUT002, 45.41 N 
Cobel, HIT002, 47.03 NW 
Moores Switch, HIT004, 48.08 N 
Linden, PET001, 48.99 NW 
Olive Hill, HDT003, 50.45 W 
Bee Rock, HDT001, 50.5 W 
Pewitt, WIT001, 53.31 N 
Hurricane, MRT001, 53.32 E 
Lobelville, PET002, 54.24 NW 
Bon Aqua, HIT001, 54.7 N 
Pinewood, HIT005, 55.78 N 
Turnbo, DET002, 55.9 NW 
Turkey Knob, HDT004, 55.96 W 
Bingham, WIT002, 57.46 N 
Parsons, DET001, 58.31 NW 
Old Union, HDT002, 61.94 W 
Rowe Gap, FRT001, 62.9 E 
Arnold AFB, FRT003, 62.94 E 
Roberts, HUT003, 63.46 NW 
Hurricane Mills, HUT001, 63.58 NW 
Bell, DIT001, 63.83 N 
Marshall Knobs, RUT001, 64.25 NE 
Kingston Springs, CHT001, 64.37 N 
Michie, MNT002, 66.41 W 
Farrar Hill, CFT001, 67.6 NE 
Moriah, HET001, 67.88 NW 
Tenn City, DIT004, 68.17 N 
Sullivan Ridge, DAT002, 68.73 N 
The Barrens, CFT003, 69.42 E 
Russell Field, BNT003, 69.83 NW 
Hortense, DIT002, 70.55 N 

google or Tiger (slow) map of nearby towers. 0.00066399574279785 seconds