CS 100   notes


notes on various aspects in CS 100 -- no particular order as of now

1) The Internet
1a) Internet, part 2
1c) Internet part 3--domains, worms, viruses, firewalls
2)  Binary representation of numbers
3) base conversions and hex numbers
4) Software and programs
5) Python, part 1   general introduction, compilers & interpreters
6) Python, part 2   very simple programs
7) Python, part 3   variables & assignment
8) Python, part 4   basic input and output
9) Python, part 5  program flow control
10) Python, part 6 program flow control, continued
11) Python, part 7: Tk graphics
12) Python, part 8: more Tk graphics
13) Python, part 9. Tk animation
14) Python, part 10. more animation.
15) Python, part 11 solar systems, etc
15a) Python: snowflakes and birds
16) The 8086 family and other hardware
17) The "Logic" part of the ALU

18) Uploading web pages to your UTK account
19) Creating web pages on the CS web server
20) Python--calculating a semester GPA
21) Python: arrays and algorithms
22) arrays and algorithms (2)
22a) arrays and algorithms (3)
23) parallel processing--part 1
24) printing floating point numbers in Python:  d = 5.0/9.0
                                                                                    print d            prints 0.5555555556
                                                                                    print "%.2f"  % d    prints 0.56
          "%.2f"  % says 2 places after the decimal point.  "%.4f" % would say 4 places, etc.

exam 1 fall 07 answer guid
ex2 fall  2007 answers
final exam answer guid
final exam fall 07 answer guide

CS 100 & CS 102
CS 100 & CS 102, part 2

Examples for simple html source (in your browser you can view the source).
(these show font size, bgcolor for solid backgrounds, text color, images used
as background--as on this page itself--and how you include simple images
such as jpg or gif files, etc):page 1, page 2, page 3page 4, page 5, page 6

cascaded style sheets (CSS) examples: page 1, page 2
CSS example (created by seamonkey -- a free html editor) showing how to use fonts, etc css example done in seamonkey
html frames examples: page 1, page 2
playing with lists:links
playing with tables:table.html

javascript example #1:javascript test 1
javascript example #2:javascript test 2
javascript example #3:javascript test 3:  picks one of 3 backgrounds at random, 1 of 5 images likewise
javascript example #4:javascript test 4:  example of getting a user's name
javascript example #5:javascript test 5: : variation on javascript example 3--does automatic refresh every 5 seconds
javascript example #6:javascript test 6
javascript example #9:javascript test 9:  dexterity test!

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