FILENUMBER: 1134 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Electronic Design Automation Tools END_KEYWORDS DATE: October 2003 TITLE: Electronic Design Automation Tools

TITLE: Electronic Design Automation Tools

Free tools for electronic design automation on UNIX platforms are
being produced by the gEDA project. These include:

gerbv - Gerber/Excellon file viewer 
gnetlist - Netlist generation (part of gaf) 
gnucap - GPLed mixed-mode/mixed-level circuit simulator 
gschem - Schematic capture (part of gaf) 
gsymcheck - Symbol checker (part of gaf) 
GTKWave - Electronic waveform viewer 
gwave - Analog waveform viewer 
Icarus - Verilog simulation and synthesis tool 
ng-spice - An improved SPICE

For additional information, access:


OpenCores also maintains a list of links to free EDA tools including:

VHDL-to-Verilog Translator
Timing Tool 
Printed Circuit Board Design
Block Diagrams to VHDL or Verilog
Savant VHDL simulator
Xilinx Webfitter
Xilinx Webpack 
Altera Quartus

For additional information, access:

  OpenCores Tools

Electronic design automation software for the  Microsoft  Windows
environment include well-known packages such as nVisage, PeakFPGA
and Protel.  Multi-dimensional design capture  can  be  performed
using  nVisage DXP which supports schematic-driven circuit design
for PCB implementation (formerly  Protel),  mixed  schematic  and
VHDL  design  of  FPGAs  (formerly PeakFPGA) as well as Spice and
VHDL simulation.

For additional information, access:



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