FILENUMBER: 1179 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Standard-Cell Library AMI-0.35um END_KEYWORDS DATE: September 2004 TITLE: Free Standard-Cell Library for the AMI-0.35um Process

TITLE: Free Standard-Cell Library for the AMI-0.35um Process

The AMI-0.35  process  (C3O)  is  accessible  via  MOSIS  and  is
available  to  the  U.S.  educational  community at no charge for
fabrication  of  introductory  class  projects.   Standard  cells
abiding  by  the SCMOS_SUBM ruleset from  MOSIS with lambda = 0.2
(and called SCN4ME_SUBM)  are  now  available  at  no  charge  to
universities  from  the  Illinois  Institute  of Technology.  For
Spice simulations, test results can be downloaded from the  MOSIS
website.   Users  may temporarily use the TSMC-0.35 results until
the AMI-0.35 ones are posted.  Other libraries are also available
on  the  IIT  website  for  the AMI-0.50, TSMC-0.25 and TSMC-0.18
processes which are accessible via MOSIS.

Access: CELLS

Version 2.1 (13 Sep. 2004) Highlights:

- Fixed many issues with schematics
- Now includes full schematics for both Cadence and Sue/Micromagic
- IIT ASIC flow now fully supports Magic 7.3 for all 4 technologies
- Magic 7.3 technology files are included for all 4 technologies
- Support for Magic 6.5 is provided for AMI 0.5 technology
- Added Primetime support to IIT ASIC flow
- New directory structure to separate Cell Library and ASIC Flow parts

Magic 7.3 has been developed by Timothy Edwards and provides full
support  for  stacked  vias,  as  well  as a much improved GDS-II
import engine. It has been fully tested with all technologies  in
this  release  and example layouts are provided in the reference-
design tar-ball. Technology files for Magic 7.3 are  included  in
the  Flow tar-ball. Installation instructions are provided at the
IIT webpage.   

To download Magic-7.3, access: Magic-7


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