FILENUMBER: 1206 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Teaching Embedded Systems using ARM and FPGAs END_KEYWORDS DATE: May 2005 TITLE: Teaching Embedded Systems using ARM and FPGAs

TITLE: Teaching Embedded Systems using ARM and FPGAs

Prof. Saeid Nooshabadi of the University of New  South  Wales  in
Sydney, Australia, has an excellent website describing his course
and the accompanying  laboratory-based  exercises.   Emphasis  is
placed  on  interfacing  the  ARM processor to other programmable
hardware devices.  Students use GNU tools operating  under  Linux
to  compile  and  simulate C, C++ and assembly-language programs.
FPGA development  is  performed  using  Xilinx  ISE  WebPack  and
ModelSim-XE operating under Microsoft Windows.

For additional information, access: WWW 


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