FILENUMBER: 1209 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Chip Estimation END_KEYWORDS DATE: June 2005 TITLE: Free Chip Estimation Tool

TITLE: Free Chip Estimation Tool

A free design  automation  tool  for  chip  estimation  has  been
developed  by   Giga  Scale  IC,  Inc.   The  tool named "InCyte"
estimates IC die size, power, leakage, yield, and cost,  enabling
designers to visualize both the technical and economic impacts of
their design specification.  The tool's rapid "what-if"  analysis
makes  it  easy  for designers to visualize tradeoffs between key
design metrics, and across technology nodes and process variants.
Users  can  generate accurate and optimized chip estimates at the
architectural  stage  of  the  design   process,   resulting   in
significantly shorter design times and lower design costs.  

For additional information, access: ChipEstimate


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