FILENUMBER: 1214 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Virtual Component Websites Software END_KEYWORDS DATE: June 2005 TITLE: Virtual Component Websites and Software

TITLE:   Virtual Component Websites and Software

Virtual  Component  Exchange  (VCX)  is  a  web-based,  regulated
trading   exchange   for   semiconductor  virtual  components  or
intellectual property (IP).  The exchange was established  as  an
outgrowth  of  the  Alba  Centre which was launched in 1997 by an
economic development agency of the Scottish government. The  main
elements of the Alba Centre initiative were the Virtual Component
Exchange, the Institute for  System  Level  Integration  and  the
development  of  the  Alba Campus, the physical embodiment of the
Alba vision. The Virtual Component Exchange has been acquired  by
Beach  Solutions  which  continues  to operate the website and to
sell database solutions  to  both  IP  buyers  and  sellers.  For
additional information, access: VCX

A similar effort that was launched in  France  is  the  Design  &
Reuse  (D&R) web portal which provides a secure catalog of 15,000
IP products from  150  suppliers  with  37,000  registered  users
making   100,000   page  views  per  month.  D&R   also  sells  a
comprehensive intranet reuse infrastructure that provides  an  IP
supply chain delivering external IPs as well as internal IPs from
the designer site to the user site under the  control  of  an  IP
management  system  hosting  the  corporate  IP  directory.   For
additional information, access:  D&R

SIPAC,  System  Integration  &  Intellectual  Property  Authoring
Center,  is a non-profit organization located in South Korea that
has an IP trading  system  providing  a  variety  of  IP  related
services.   SIPAC  has  developed  IP  related guidelines for HDL
coding and AMS design.  It  has  also  produced  a  web-based  IP
verification  and  evaluation system. For additional information,
access:  SIPAC

Taiwan SoC Consortium (formerly named the Silicon IP  Consortium)
is  a  non-profit organization.  Member companies include fabless
design houses, integrated devices manufacturers, system  vendors,
foundries,   EDA   companies,   design   service   companies  and
semiconductor research organizations. Its primary mission  is  to
facilitate IP information sharing and IP exchange, especially for
the companies in Taiwan.   For  additional  information,  access:


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