FILENUMBER: 1217 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Text Circuit Design VHDL END_KEYWORDS DATE: June 2005 TITLE: Text on Circuit Design with VHDL

TITLE: Text on Circuit Design with VHDL

"Circuit Design with  VHDL",  (ISBN:  0-262-16224-5)  written  by
Prof.  Volnei  Pedroni  of  the  Federal  Center of Technological
Education of Parana, Brazil , teaches VHDL using system  examples
combined  with  programmable  logic  and  supported by laboratory
exercises. While other textbooks  concentrate  only  on  language
features,  this  book  offers  a fully integrated presentation of
synthesizeable  VHDL,  including  code  structure,  data   types,
operators  and  attributes,  concurrent and sequential statements
and code, objects (signals, variables, and constants), design  of
finite   state  machines,  and  examples  of  additional  circuit

For additional information, access: MIT Press


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