FILENUMBER: 1218 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Text Digital Image Processing MATLAB Gonzalez END_KEYWORDS DATE: June 2005 TITLE: Text on Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB

TITLE: Text on Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB

"Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB",  (ISBN:  0-13-008519-7),
written  by  Prof. Ralph Gonzalez of the University of Tennessee,
Dr. Richard Woods of MedData Interactive and Steven Eddins of The
MathWorks, Inc. presents a balanced treatment of image processing
fundamentals and an introduction to software principles  used  in
the  practical  application of image processing. Examples in this
text work in the MATLAB computing  environment  since  the  image
processing  toolbox  provides  a  stable,  well-supported  set of
software  tools  capable  of  addressing  a  broad  spectrum   of
applications in digital image processing. The major areas covered
include intensity transformations, linear and  nonlinear  spatial
filtering,  filtering  in the frequency domain, image restoration
and registration, color image processing,  wavelets,  image  data
compression,  morphological image processing, image segmentation,
regions and boundary representation and description,  and  object

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