FILENUMBER: 1219 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Text Applications Digital Signals Pradhan END_KEYWORDS DATE: June 2005 TITLE: Text on Applications for Digital Signals

TITLE: Text on Applications for Digital Signals

"Applications  for  Digital  Signals",   (ISBN:   1-59526-351-9),
written  by  Manish Pradhan for engineering students presents the
theory and practical application  of  digital  signal  and  image
processing.  Topics covered include digital and adaptive filters,
frequency transforms, modulation methods, compression techniques,
and  security  methods.  In  addition,  the  text  discusses  the
difference between desktop and  embedded  applications,  with  an
emphasis  on  both  hardware  and software. Companion software is
available with MATLAB M-files.   

For additional information, access: Book


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