FILENUMBER: 1236 BEGIN_KEYWORDS High-Definition High-Speed Imaging END_KEYWORDS DATE: November 2005 TITLE: High-Definition and High-Speed Imaging

TITLE: High-Definition and High-Speed Imaging

Silicon Imaging is a private
company   that  specializes  in  the  design,  manufacturing  and
marketing of high-definition digital cameras and image processing
solutions  for  the  medical, scientific instrumentation, machine
vision,  entertainment  and  surveillance  markets.  The  company
recently developed the world's smallest 1920x1080 60P/120I 12-bit
High-Definition Camera.  The company also offers a variety of  IP
cores  for  ASICs  including  SATA,  HDMI, DVI and Fibre Channel.
Over 100 million chips have been shipped using these cores.


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