FILENUMBER: 1244 BEGIN_KEYWORDS C-to-FPGA Tools Text END_KEYWORDS DATE: February 2006 TITLE: C-to-FPGA Tools and Text

TITLE: C-to-FPGA Tools and Text

FPGAs   can   accelerate   computationally   intensive   software
applications  by  multiple  orders  of  magnitude  whenever their
massively parallel structures are fully exploited.   A  C-to-FPGA
tool  is  now  available  from  Impulse  Accelerated Technologies
that   allows   C-language   algorithms   and
applications  to  be  compiled  and optimized for use with FPGAs.
Either VHDL or Verilog can be produced and then synthesized.   To
obtain  the  highest  performance,  the  compiler analyzes C code
statements and  collapses  multiple  operations  into  a  smaller
number  of  single-clock instruction stages. The compiler is also
capable of unrolling  loops  and  generating  loop  pipelines  to
exploit  the  extreme  levels of parallelism possible in an FPGA.
For applications involving embedded processors, the tool is  also
capable  of  generating  hardware/software interfaces using FPGA-
specific   bus   architectures.   Flexible   software-to-hardware
communication  methods  are  provided,  including  streaming  and
shared memories.

"Practical FPGA Programming in C" by  David  Pellerin  and  Scott
Thibault  is  being  published  by  Prentice Hall as ISBN: 0-131-
54318-0.  The table of contents  includes:   

 1: The FPGA as a Computing Platform  
 2: A Brief History of Programmable Platforms
 3: A Programming Model for FPGA-based Applications  
 4: An Introduction to Impulse C  
 5: Describing a FIR Filter  
 6: Generating FPGA Hardware
 7: Increasing Statement-level Parallelism  
 8: Porting a Legacy Application to Impulse C
 9: Creating an Embedded Test Bench  
10: Optimizing C for FPGA Performance 
11: Describing System-level Parallelism 
12: Combining Impulse C with an Embedded Operating System 
13: Mandelbrot Image Generation  
14: The Future of FPGA Computing 
 A: Getting the Most Out of Embedded FPGA Processors  
 B: Creating a Custom Stream Interface 
 C: Impulse C Function Reference

For additional information, access: Prentice-Hall


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