FILENUMBER: 1246 BEGIN_KEYWORDS SystemC IEEE Standard 1666 END_KEYWORDS DATE: February 2006 TITLE: SystemC Becomes IEEE Standard 1666

TITLE: SystemC Becomes IEEE Standard 1666

SystemC  is an electronic system  level  language  that  provides
hardware-oriented  constructs   within   the    context  of   C++
as  a class library implemented  in  standard   C++.    Its   use
spans      design     and   verification    from    concept    to
implementation  in hardware and software.  SystemC  provides   an
interoperable   modeling  platform which  enables the development
and exchange of very  fast system-level  C++  models.   It   also
provides   a   stable   platform  for development of system level
tools.  Recently, the language  was  approved  as  IEEE  Standard
1666.  For additional information, access: SystemC


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