FILENUMBER: 1263 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Automated Synthesis Fixed-Point RTL Catapult-C END_KEYWORDS DATE: May 2006 TITLE: Automated Synthesis of Fixed-Point RTL Using Catapult-C

TITLE: Automated Synthesis of Fixed-Point RTL Using Catapult-C

Catapult-C is an untimed C++ synthesis tool that is now available
from  Mentor  Graphics.   It promotes fast micro-architecture and
interface "what-if" analysis as well as providing  algorithm  and
data-path  analysis.   The  tool  is intended to enable extensive
design space exploration and produce synthesizable RTL  (register
transfer level) hardware description code that meets the original
C++ specifications. Catapult-C automatically  replaces  floating-
point  arithmetic  with  fixed-point  or  integer  arithmetic  to
perform  bit-accurate   modelling.    Simulation   speeds   using
Catapult-C are up to 200 times faster than those using SystemC.

For additional information, access: Catapult-C


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