FILENUMBER: 1268 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Merging Upgrading VHDL Standards END_KEYWORDS DATE: June 2006 TITLE: Merging and Upgrading VHDL Standards

TITLE: Merging and Upgrading VHDL Standards

VHDL, the hardware  description  language  for  digital   circuit
design,  was  originally created in 1987, significantly  upgraded
in  1995,  and underwent  minor   changes   in  2002.   With  the
emergence  of  SystemC  and SystemVerilog, VHDL standard IEEE Std
1076-2002  has  started showing  signs of aging,  triggering  the
largest  and  probably most important overhaul of the language to
date. A  group  of  experts  from   industry,  sponsored  by  the
Accellera  organization (VHDL Technical Committee) has focused on
addressing existing issues in VHDL  and  adding  important,   new
features   to  the  language.   A  complete  2006  release of the
Accellera  Standard  VHDL  Language Reference Manual  is  planned
for DAC in July 2006.

To unify multiple standards branching from the original standard,
the  new  version  of  the  language  merges  IEEE  Std 1164-1993
(dealing  with  standard  logic  types),  IEEE  Std   1076.2-1996
(defining  MATH_REAL  and  MATH_COMPLEX  packages)  and  IEEE Std
1076.3-1997 (introducing NUMERIC_STD  and  NUMERIC_BIT  packages)
with the core language standard.

Synthesizable packages supporting fixed-point arithmetic are  one
of the new elements of the language.  With all important packages
in one standard, existing operators can be  unified  (e.g.  shift
operators)  and  new operators can be added (e.g. unary reduction
operators).  VHPI (VHDL procedural interface)  between  VHDL  and
C/C++  code is introduced as part of the new standard.  A minimal
subset of the Property Specification Language (PSL)  is  included
to enhance assertions support.  Support for Intellectual Property
(IP) encryption/decryption is added.

For more information, access: VHDL


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