FILENUMBER: 1269 BEGIN_KEYWORDS IP Integration SPIRIT END_KEYWORDS DATE: June 2006 TITLE: IP Integration Facilitated by SPIRIT

TITLE: IP Integration Facilitated by SPIRIT

The SPIRIT Consortium of 54 members has released version  1.2  of
its  IP-XACT specification for RTL design and verification and an
IEEE working group, P1685, has been formed to standardize it.  An
IP metadata description based on an XML schema is utlized so that
IP from  multiple  sources  can  be  integrated.   An  electronic
system-level  (ESL)  extension  is  expected to be released later
this year.  Mentor  Graphics  said  the  latest  release  of  its
Platform Express includes support for version 1.2.  SPIRIT stands
for "Structure for Packaging, Integrating and Re-using IP  within

For additional information, access: SPIRIT


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