FILENUMBER: 1282 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Free WebPack Xilinx END_KEYWORDS DATE: August 2006 TITLE: Free WebPack Software from Xilinx

TITLE: Free WebPack Software from Xilinx

The  latest  version of the Xilinx WebPack software is now avail-
able  for free.   All  of  the  features  that  are available  in
the  Xilinx  Foundation version of its Integrated Software  Envi-
ronment  (ISE) are  also  in  the  WebPack and provide full  sup-
port for optional embedded, digital signal processing  (DSP)  and
real-time  debug design  flows.  ISE WebPACK  also  includes  ISE
Simulator  Lite on Linux providing Xilinx users with a  free  HDL
simulator.  By providing  support  for  Red Hat Enterprise  Linux
3 and 4, Xilinx has combined the low-cost benefits of the ISE de-
sign  environment with the fastest-growing EDA  design  platform.
Linux  is  recognized  as  a stable,  low-cost,  high-performance
alternative  to  other higher   cost   development   environments
and  allows designers to maximize corporate resources. Xilinx now
augments the  industry’s  lowest-cost   and   lowest-power   FPGA
and  CPLD  solutions with the most extensive front-to-back  Linux
support  of  any  major  PLD vendor.

For additional information, access: WebPack


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