FILENUMBER: 1283 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Free WebPack Xilinx END_KEYWORDS DATE: August 2006 TITLE: HP/Elixent Lab in the UK to become Panasonic R&D Center

TITLE: HP/Elixent Lab in the UK to become Panasonic R&D Center
Elixent Ltd., a company spun out from the  research  laboratories
of  Hewlett Packard Co. in Bristol, England, has been acquired by
Matsushita Electric which had been one of its principal  backers.
Elixent  is set to become an R&D center under the Panasonic name.
Elixent's FPGA-like programmable fabric, which was intended to be
integrated   with   software-programmable  processors,  attracted
engineering interest in the first half of the decade.

For additional information, access: EE Times


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