FILENUMBER: 1288 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Free Verification Tools Researchers END_KEYWORDS DATE: August 2006 TITLE: Free Verification Tools for Researchers

TITLE: Free Verification Tools for Researchers

VIS (Verification Interacting with  Synthesis)  is  a  tool  that
integrates  the verification, simulation and synthesis of finite-
state hardware systems. It uses a Verilog front-end and  supports
model  checking  of temporal logic assertions, language emptiness
checking, combinational  and  equivalence  checking,  cycle-based
simulation and hierarchical synthesis. The verification engine is

For more information, access: VIS

Cadence SMV  (free of use for research purposes) is a system  for
checking  finite  state  systems  against  properties  written in
temporal logic, finite state automata, embedded  assertions,  and
refinement  specifications.  Cadence  SMV  supports synthesizable
Verilog as  a  modeling  language,  allowing  RTL  design  to  be
verified.   For  the  analysis  of  large  designs,  Cadence  SMV
supports  compositional  reasoning.  However,  user  guidance  is
necessary to perform these analyses.

For more information, access: SMV


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