FILENUMBER: 1292 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Realizing Microsystems Dan Gale CMC END_KEYWORDS DATE: December 2006 TITLE: Realizing Microsystems (Presentation by Dan Gale of CMC)

TITLE: Realizing Microsystems (Presentation by Dan Gale of CMC)

At a symposium held in Canada in 2006, Dan Gale, VP and CTO of CMC Microsystems,
described the vision, mandate and impact of CMC Microsystems; 
potential to enhance the R&D experience for microsystems innovators; and 
increasing opportunities for Canada to 'realize the microsystems advantage'.

Highlights of his presentation included an overview of:

* Market opportunities for microsystems

* Overview of microsystems in a supply chain context - the innovative use 
of materials, components and platforms based on microsystems technologies for 
the creation of competitive products for multiple sectors.

* Highly qualified people with microsystems expertise who are deployed 
across all sectors of the Canadian economy: researchers and developers who 
have benefited from access to CMC's product and service portfolio for 
microsystems design, make and test, including opportunities in monolithic and 
hybrid integration.

* The potential for Canada to realize the microsystems advantage by 
gaining alignment, filling gaps and stimulating international 
interest...across people, plans and resources...nationally, regionally and 

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