FILENUMBER: 1301 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Free Open Source PDK SoC Design Tutorials SCMOS END_KEYWORDS DATE: June 2007 TITLE: Free Open Source PDK and SoC Design Tutorials for SCMOS

TITLE: Free Open Source PDK and SoC Design Tutorials for SCMOS

An open source, variation-aware process design kit (PDK) can  now
be  downloaded  for  free.   The  PDK  is  based on scalable CMOS
(SCMOS)  design  rules,  down  to  45-nm,  and  can  be  used  by
universities  and  small businesses.  The kit includes all of the
necessary layout design rules and  extraction  command  decks  to
capture  layout-dependent  systematic  variation  and  to perform
statistical circuit analysis.  The kit also includes a  standard-
cell  and  pad library with the necessary support files to enable
full chip place and route  and  verification  for  system-on-chip
(SoC) designs.

Prof. James Stine of Oklahoma  State  University  and  Professors
Rhett  Davis  and Paul Franzon of North Carolina State University
presented a paper describing the PDK at: MSE-2007.

The PDK, libraries and tutorials describing the  complete  design
flow using Synopsys tools is available at:  OSU_VLSI_WIKI


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