FILENUMBER: 3010 BEGIN_KEYWORDS l-edit mosis asic tanner mask standard cell drc lvs END_KEYWORDS DATE: july 1993 TITLE: ASIC Tools Available from Tanner Research ASIC Tools Available from Tanner Research (Contributed by Jim Lindauer of Tanner Research) ASIC Layout Editor and Verification Package, L-Edit Version 5.0: L-Edit is an interactive, graphical mask layout editor for ASIC design that is fast, easy to use, and fully hierarchical. A full-featured, high performance tool, L-Edit handles an unlimited number of mask layers, levels, and cells. L-Edit provides all- angle, 45 degree, and orthogonal drawing ability. The user en- vironment is fully customizable, including color palette, stip- ple, fill, and outline patterns. Editing features include edit- in-place for the editing of instances within their hierarchical content. This allows a cell that is levels below the top of a design, to be edited from the top level and maintain the view of its context. A window stretch capability permits the simultane- ous stretching of a group of polygons, rectangles, and/or wires. Object cut and merge capability allows selected objects to be cut along a user-specified horizontal or vertical axis and overlap- ping objects to be merged into a single object. Group and Un- group commands allow objects to be grouped into a new cell defin- ition and an instance of a cell to be ungrouped. The insides of instances can be shown or hidden on an individual basis. A cross-section viewer allows the designer to simulate grow/deposit, implant/diffuse, and etch steps for mask layers corresponding to the VLSI fabrication process. L-Edit supports CIF and GDSII file formats and directly produces the mask specif- ication format required by MOSIS. L-Edit 5.0 comes with a com- plete set of optimized layer, design rule, and device extraction setups for MOSIS 2.0um and 1.2um processes and Orbit/Foresight 2.0um, and 1.2um processes. Standard Cell Automatic Layout Generation, L-Edit/SPR: L-Edit/SPR is a set of placement and routing modules for automat- ically generating layout. contains a standard cell placer and router, a padframe generator, and a pad router. The Standard Cell Placement module includes a placement optimizer for optimizing the size and performance of the circuit. This is done by analyz- ing the design and placing related cells next to one another, thus shortening the wires in between them and reducing the overall congestion of the routing. This optimizer uses a modi- fied simulated annealing algorithm, and can significantly improve a design. L-Edit/SPR's channel router performs the wiring between rows of cells. It is a two-layer channel router which forms connections between cells and runs wires to the edges of the core. It utilizes available space within cells when it needs to cross a row, thus reducing the need for inserting "spacers" within the rows. The signals which enter and leave a chip must do so through special cells called pads. Pads usually provide signal protection and buffering. Pads are arranged in a ring around the perimeter of the core. A Padframe Generator within L-Edit/SPR can generate a padframe from a netlist, or from a dialog-box specification within L-Edit. When space exists between pads, rails are automatically placed between the pads to ensure continuity around the padframe. A Pad Router places a core of logic within a padframe, and then wires the signals which run between the core and the pads. It also runs power and ground rails to the appropriate pads in the ring. It can be executed stand-alone, or together with the Padframe Generator and Place- ment and Routing module. L-Edit/SPR is fully-integrated into the L-Edit layout editor and is activated by choosing a menu item from within the L-Edit environment. Design Rule Checker, L-Edit/DRC: L-Edit/DRC is an on-line geometric design rule checker for use with L-Edit. The DRC features user programmable DRC rules. Use of L-Edit's user-definable logical layer operations in DRC rule specifications allows integrated circuit designers to verify their layout against the published geometric DRC constraints of a silicon foundry. Rules are one of seven basic types. Minimum width rules check for minimum size of objects (e.g. minimum transistor width). Exact width rules are for objects which must be an exact size (e.g. contacts). Minimum spacing rules ensure a minimum distance between two objects (e.g. minimum distance between two transistors). The minimum surround rule verifies that a specified object is contained within another object (e.g. metal contact surrounded by metal). Overlap and Extension rules check for overlap and extension of intersection objects respec- tively. The design rule definitions used by L-Edit/DRC can be specified using any derived layer from L-Edit's Generate Layers feature. This capability greatly expands the set of rules which can be specified. Intermediate layers can be temporarily gen- erated using AND, OR, NOT, GROW, and SHRINK operations, and the derived results can be utilized in a design rule definition. The derived layers are generated and disposed of automatically. In- cluded with the L-Edit DRC module are MOSIS and Orbit Semiconduc- tor scalable CMOS design rules. L-Edit/DRC is fully-integrated into L-Edit the layout editor and is activated by choosing a menu item from within the L-Edit environment. The design rules and the set of layers used by L-Edit/DRC are constructed using menus and dialogs within L-Edit. The DRC supports error reporting via a text file, error objects, and error ports. A text file lists all of the errors found upon running the DRC. Error objects and error ports are placed on the layout at the coordinates where the error was found. With error ports, the text associated with the error ports represent a description of the particular rule that was violated at a given location. This text passes for the error layer can be set so that port text is only visible upon selec- tion, and thus does not interfere with viewing the layout. The DRC Error Browser and Object Browser (Find Ports on Error Layer) cycles through the DRC error ports one at a time, selecting them and optionally centering them on the screen. General Device Extractor, L-Edit/Extract: L-Edit/Extract is a generic device extractor that is capable of recognizing active devices including BJTs, diodes, GaAsFETs, JFETs, MOSFETs and subcircuits. It can also extract passive dev- ices: capacitors, inductors and resistors. In addition, L- Edit/Extract is process-independent. This is accomplished by de- fining a series of connections which describe how the layers in- teract electrically. L-Edit/Extract is fully-integrated into the L-Edit layout editor and is activated by choosing a menu item from within the L-Edit environment. The extractor definitions used by L-Edit/Extract can be specified using any derived layer from L-Edit's Generate Layers feature. This capability greatly expands the set of rules which can be specified. Intermediate layers can be temporarily generated using AND, OR, and NOT opera- tions, and the derived results can be utilized in an extraction definition. The derived layers are generated and disposed of au- tomatically. L-Edit/Extract is capable of extracting the most common device parameters, including resistance, capacitance, and device length, width and area. These parameters provide useful information when verifying drive, fanout and other circuit per- formance characteristics. The extractor will also allow the specification of multiple devices with the same recognition layer, but differing pins. The extractor will successfully ex- tract these devices. This is particularly useful in extracting multi-source/drain transistors and CCD elements. L-Edit/Extract creates a netlist file which contains the circuit description. This netlist is in industry-standard SPICE format (Berkeley Spice, HSPICET, and PSpiceT), so that it can be used with a SPICE simulator, Tanner Tools' LVS, or other tools which read SPICE format netlists. Layout vs. Schematic Netlist Comparator, LVS: LVS is a netlist comparison program designed to compare any two netlists and decide whether they describe the same circuit. If they do not, LVS assists in identifying and correcting ambigui- ties. LVS can be used to determine whether a schematic circuit matches a piece of layout, or whether two different schematics implement the same circuit. LVS accepts standard SPICE-formatted netlists (Berkeley Spice, HSPICET, and PSpiceT). Hierarchical or flat netlists are accepted. LVS is capable of identifying auto- morph classes, or sets of elements or nodes which cannot be dis- tinguished from one another for some reason (such as devices in parallel). When two netlists are not equivalent, LVS can identi- fy unresolvable nodes and devices and assist in locating them on the original schematic or layout. LVS can be supplied before- hand with additional information in order to resolve automorph classes. Sets of nodes or elements can be pre-defined as equivalent. LVS has a process called trial matching which at- tempts to resolve automorph classes. This process involves re- peatedly matching a pair of otherwise undistinquishable nodes or elements, and then attempting to resolve the circuits again. In addition to using topological information (such as device types or number of connections) to compare netlists, LVS can use parametric values such as resistance and capacitance, or geometric values such as area, length and width. Comparison mar- gins can be defined to determine how different two values can be while still comparing equivalently. Different margins can be de- fined for parametric and geometric comparisons. LVS also handles parallel collapsing of resistors, capacitors and MOSFETS, series collapsing of resistors and capacitors, series substitution of series-chain transistors, input of global node handling and Spice netlist support with parameters automatically being passed to subcircuits. All programs are available for IBM PS/2 or PC/AT or compatible with 386 or higher processor, Sun/SPARC, HP-9000, and Macintosh systems. On the PC, L-Edit V5 can be operated as a DOS program under Windows 3.1 and IBM OS/2 2.0. Layout database files are fully compatible between all supported platforms. James T. Lindauer Tanner Research, Inc. Ph: 818-792-3000 180 N. Vinedo Ave. Fax: 818-792-0300 Pasadena, CA. 91107

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