FILENUMBER: 3018 BEGIN_KEYWORDS software mosis xilinx tanner gate arrays standard cell vhdl END_KEYWORDS DATE: july 1993 TITLE: Software for Computer-Aided Logical Design Text by Hill Software for Computer-Aided Logical Design Text by Hill (Contributed by Fred Hill of the University of Arizona) From John Wiley & Sons advertisement: COMPUTER AIDED LOGICAL DESIGN WITH EMPHASIS ON VLSI by Fred Hill is now in its fourth edition. New features include: * The first text to bridge the gap between VLSI design and logi- cal design. * Design problems are now included to support the design require- ments established by ABET. * NMOS and CMOS circuits are covered in detail. * New problem sets are provided at the end of every chapter. * Includes coverage of programmable logic arrays, programmable logic devices, field-programmable gate arrays and standard cell design. * New sections on register transfer level descriptions. * Stresses what computer aided logic design tools can do. The new edition maintains the strengths that have proven effec- tive through three previous editions: * Noted for its careful introduction to Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps and sequential circuits. * Covers system level implications of circuit properties. * Considers both behavior and structure in the design process. * Uses design methodologies applicable to real-world scale designs. A solutions manual is available for instructors. Also, software to support the text can be obtained directly from the author. To order from John Wiley & Sons, call (212)-850-6000. From Fred Hill: This document is precipitated primarily by references to software support in advertising for "Computer Aided Logical Design with emphasis on VLSI." The most important point to be made is: don't judge the book on the basis of potential supporting software. The book includes careful treatment of the fundamentals of logi- cal design as well as topics in the area of digital VLSI design, not assembled in any other textbook. Obtain a desk/examination copy of the book before you make your decision. Clearly one should not expect non-commercial software to com- pletely support a laboratory course in logical or VLSI design. While this author argues for hardware compilation from AHPL as a more natural design entry than graphic design capture, the latter remains an essential component of an undergraduate logical design laboratory. I make no attempt to supply a schematic capture tool or a gate level simulator. The book is not tied directly to any set of tools. A course using "Computer Aided Logical Design with emphasis on VLSI" may be supported by a laboratory of tools of the instructors choosing. The advertised software becomes applicable when a course using the above referenced book reaches Chapter 11. The clock mode function level simulator HPSIM2 supports this chapter as well as the authors other book, "Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design." The hardware compiler program HPCOM and AENT, which translates HPCOM output to EDIF 1.0 (electronic data interchange format), are natural elements of a VLSI design laboratory. A ma- jor goal has been to make the output of AENT compatible with the input net-list and libraries utilized by the standard cell au- tomatic place and route routine associated with L-Edit. Informa- tion on L-Edit can be obtained from Tanner Research Inc. 444 North Altadena Drive, Pasadena, California 91107 ((818) 795- 1696). It is intended that the combination of HPCOM, AENT and L-Edit provide a direct translation of AHPL to a MOSIS compatible standard cell layout, but I offer no guarantee that gaps will not arise as the various programs progress from version to version. Such a realization of an AHPL description could then be simulated at the gate level with capacitance values back annotated to the net-list by a Tanner product. THE FUTURE: Although HPSIM and HPCOM have been static for several years, some enhancements are in store for the near fu- ture. Among these are optional execution of combinational logic unit descriptions by HPSIM and optional generation of a minimal memory element control unit by HPCOM. We are also in the process of developing an AENT like program which will provide for realiz- ing AHPL descriptions as FPGAs. I will keep those, who provide EMAIL addresses, updated of these developments. The tool package consisting of HPSIM2, HPCOM, and AENT is avail- able for MSDOS (IBM PC compatible) computers. A fourth program, SUBGRAPH, which generates a partial logic block diagram from HPCOM output, and one or more possibly helpful public domain pro- grams are included on the distribution disk free of charge. Although HPSIM2 is available on one or two other platforms, The complete package is supported only for MSDOS at this time. Although the user manual has been updated, versions of HPSIM which may be in use at various Universities, do not differ from the current version. The price for the three program package (HPSIM, HPCOM, and AENT) including a comprehensive hard copy user manual is $150. The price for the MSDOS version of HPSIM2 only is $100. Checks (pay- able to the University of Arizona) or purchase orders should be sent to: Dr. Fredrick J. Hill Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721 hill@ece.arizona.edu Advance payment is not required, but this method is most con- venient. Instructors are authorized to make copies of the software and user manual for use by students in their classes. The following paragraphs should be of interest to all who make use of Xilinx 2000 and 3000 series logic cell arrays in an academic environment. It should be of particular interest to those Xilinx users who also make use of the Tanner Research pro- duct, NetTran or can otherwise translate an EDIF 1.1 net-list into Xilinx xxx.xnf format. For several years I have made available a small set of software products which support the hardware description language AHPL. In addition to the function level simulator and hardware compiler HPCOM, I distribute a program, AENT, which will translate a net- list to to EDIF 1.1 format. The EDIF net-list is then typically submitted to NetTran, with the output used to drive the Tanner L-Edit standard cell place and route program. The final result is a CIF realization of the original AHPL description which can be sent to MOSIS for fabrication. In conjunction with Xilinx logic cell array realization in our undergraduate computer aided logical design laboratory we discovered that the same version of AENT could be used as the first step in generation of an XNF format net-list, acceptable to the Xilinx tool set. Tanner NetTran will also translate the EDIF 1.1 format from AENT to XNF format. AENT allows a sufficient set of user options to support separate styles (particularly with respect to I/O pins) for logic cell array realization and stan- dard cell fabrication. As always, the advantage of a hardware description language front-end is that schematic capture is bypassed. Schematic cap- ture may be helpful when the design process draws from a very large library of complex parts or cells. Adaptation to Xilinx cells always takes place further downstream in the synthesis pro- cess, under control of Xilinx XACT software. Nothing is lost, if the most generic possible XNF net-list (AND, OR, and NOT gates with D flip-flops) is submitted to XACT. This format is readily produced by HPCOM and AENT. A similar synthesis process is available for VHDL, but for this application VHDL offers no ad- vantages over the much simpler AHPL.

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