FILENUMBER: 4013 BEGIN_KEYWORDS vhdl synopsys amical END_KEYWORDS DATE: october 1993 TITLE: VHDL Architectural Synthesis Software VHDL Architectural Synthesis Software (Contributed by A. A. Jerraya of TIMA) AMICAL is an Interactive Architectural Synthesis Tool based on VHDL developed at the system level synthesis group of TIMA La- boratory at INPG, Grenoble, France. AMICAL starts with a func- tional specification given in VHDL, it performs scheduling, allo- cation and generates an architecture composed of a data-path and a controller that may feed existing synthesis tools acting at the logic and register transfer levels. It uses a powerful scheduler and accepts a quite large VHDL subset (multiple waits, nested loops, exits, procedures, functions...). The present version produces a VHDL description that can be accepted by Synopsys. The main strengths of the system are: - Interactive synthesis: AMICAL allows the mixing of manual and automatic synthesis. You can start a design manually and ask AMICAL to finish it for you or you can interactively modify the results of automatic synthesis. All manual interactions are verified. Only correct decisions are accepted. - Re-use of existing components: AMICAL uses an external library of Functional Units that includes operators defined by the user. Each Functional unit may execute several multi-cycle operations. These operations are linked to the operations and procedure call used in the behavioral description. The functional unit concept allows the use of complex compenents (Memory, I/O Units, Cache, etc.) within high level synthesis. AMICAL is organized as an interactive environment, it provides several facilities for architecture analysis (statistics, evalua- tion, links between the VHDL behaviour and the resulting archi- tecture). The response time of AMICAL is short enough to make it an interactive system. The combination of automatic and manual synthesis allows a quick and broad exploration of the design space in real time. Several large examples have already been used for AMCIAL evaluation with excellent results. These include a telephone answering machine controller, a PID and the MPEG-AUDIO system. AMICAL is available free of Charge. The present version has al- ready been distributed to several experimental centers. The present version runs on SPARC station under SUNOS. Two versions of the graphical interface exists: Openwindow, Suntools. The distribution includes: - The AMICAL software. - A Tutorial - A user's Manual - A beginner Session - Synthesis exercises (6 Hours) The distribution does not include the VHDL analyser. The present version makes use of the VHDL Analyser of CLSI. A new version based on LVS, the VHDL compiler from LEDA, will be available soon. For more information, contact: Dr. Ahmed Amin JERRAYA TIMA Laboratory 46, Avenue Felix Viallet Grenoble, FRANCE TEL: +33-76-57-46-17 FAX: +33-76-47-38-14 jerraya@verdon.imag.fr secr@archi.imag.fr

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