FILENUMBER: 453 BEGIN_KEYWORDS C++ FPGA Compiler END_KEYWORDS DATE: april 1995 TITLE: C++ to FPGA Compiler C++ to FPGA Compiler (Contributed by Christian Iseli of EPFL, Lausanne) A C++ to netlist compiler has been developed. The targeted hardware is mainly FPGA chips. At the current time, the compiler: - is written in C++ - can be compiled by g++ 2.6.3 - needs the LEDA 3.1 library (which is available by anonymous ftp) - will directly generate ViewLogic WIR files and the associated symbols The target (FPGA) architecture is described directly in the source code, preferably in an included file. Thus it should be extremely easy to generate netlists for different FPGA architectures. A partial description of the XC4000 family is provided in the sources. This is still beta quality code. The documentation is very sparse. To obtain the code, TAR.GZ then look at the README file for terse explanations on how to build. There is a Majordomo mailing list for discussion about nlc. To be added to the list, send a message to "majordomo@lslsun.epfl.ch" containing the line "subscribe nlc".

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