FILENUMBER: 465 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Text Tutorial fpga Field-Programmable Devices fpd Brown END_KEYWORDS DATE: june 1995 TITLE: Text on Tutorial on Field-Programmable Devices by Brown Text on Tutorial on Field-Programmable Devices by Brown (Contributed by Stan Baker of Stan Baker Associates) "Field-Programmable Devices, Technology, Applications, Tools" by Stephen D. Brown is an excellent reference for all types of field-programmable devices. Dr. Brown is a popular lecturer (a 3-time returning speaker to PLDCon) and Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He has done comprehensive research into the architecture and CAD of Field-Programmable Devices and has lectured throughout the United States and Canada on this topic. The purpose of this book is to provide an overview of field-programmable devices that provides a clear understanding of what is available on the market today. Fundamental technology issues are covered and the three main types of FPDs are described: Simple PLDs (SPLDs), Complex PLDs (CPLDs), and Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). For each category of device, you'll find all of the most important state-of-the-art commercial products described in detail, example applications discussed, and the CAD tool design flow used when implementing circuits presented. To order for $29.50, contact: Stan Baker sbaker@best.com TEL: (408)-356-5119

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