FILENUMBER: 5010 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Text Formal Approach Hardware Design Staunstrup END_KEYWORDS DATE: january 1994 TITLE: Text on Formal Approach to Hardware Design by Staunstrup Text on Formal Approach to Hardware Design by Staunstrup (Contributed by J. Staunstrup of Technical Univ. of Denmark) A FORMAL APPROACH TO HARDWARE DESIGN J. Staunstrup Department of Computer Science Technical University of Denmark Lyngby, Denmark The contents is summarized below, a more complete description can be obtained by anonymous ftp at the sites: world.std.com / ftp.wkap.nl (directory books) or ftp.id.dth.dk (directory ST). From February 1 these ftp directories will also contain public-domain tools supporting the material in the book as well as additional files containing known errors and solutions to exercises. -------------------------------------ORDER FORM------------------------------ SPECIAL PRE-PUBLICATION OFFER (20% discount): $72.00, Dfl 152.00, GBP 54.00 valid until 28 February 1994. The order must be pre-paid and ordered using this order form. Ref: ftpser Please send me: A Formal Approach to Hardware Design, by Jorgen Staunstrup _____copy(ies) HB, ISBN: 0-7923-9427-5 $90.00, Dfl 190.00, GBP 67.50 Payment enclosed to the amount of ___________________________ * Please invoice me * Please charge my credit card Name of Card Holder: ______________________________________ Card. no.: ________________________________________________ Expiry Date:______________________________________________ Am. 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Postage and handling charges will be absorbed by the Publisher on all such orders. Payment will be accepted in any convertible currency. Please check the rate of exchange at your bank. For sales within the Netherlands please add 6% VAT (BTW). Prices are subject to change without notice. * Delete those that do not apply. From the preface of A FORMAL APPROACH TO HARDWARE DESIGN This is a book about designing computations to be realized by application specific hardware. Today, such hardware is often complicated and its cost is dominated by the design effort. This has for a long time been the case for software development. Therefore, there is an increasing similarity between hardware and software design, and they share a need for powerful, reliable, and efficient design methods. In software design there has been a trend towards using of high-level languages, encouraging the use of abstraction and rigorous analysis methods. This book supports a similar trend for hardware design by introducing a high-level design language, called Synchronized Transitions. The aim is to reduce the design time/effort by shifting as many tasks as possible from low-level circuit oriented models to high-level models. Design descrip- tions in Synchronized Transitions provide models of computations which can be utilized for many different purposes, for example: - experimentation, - verification, and - performance analysis, Furthermore, the descriptions can be refined to obtain circuit realizations, either through automatic synthesis or by manually guided transformations. This book shows the usefulness of a formal approach without being too dog- matic about its use. The rigor provided by formalism is needed for handling the complicated parts of a design. However, there are also parts where formal methods have no role to play. One should not insist that everything is done for- mally, but leave it to the designer's good taste to decide when formal analysis is appropriate and when more informal approaches are adequate. The intention with Synchronized Transitions is to provide a language where formal analysis is a possibility, but not mandatory. Training is a prerequisite for using any approach or tool, including formal methods. By reading this book and solving some of the problems, a designer should get a sufficient background for using abstract models and a formal approach to solve complicated design problems. Using the Book for Teaching This book gives an in depth introduction to a particular formal design approach. There is a collection of exercises at the end of each chapter. Most of these are small exercises aimed at training the material presented in that chapter. The book can be read by students or practioners without prior knowledge about formal designs methods. To follow the derivations in detail and to solve the exercises require a good command of elementary logic and either a programming language or a hardware description language.

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