FILENUMBER: 521 BEGIN_KEYWORDS 125-Million Transistors texas instruments END_KEYWORDS DATE: september 1996 TITLE: 125-Million Transistors on a Single Chip 125-Million Transistors on a Single Chip (Adapted from a Texas Instruments WWW Press Release) Texas Instruments expects to begin production in 1997 of a single chip incorporating 125 million transistors using its new 0.18- micron process. The technology will also reduce the development cycle of new products since designers will be able to select mi- croprocessor or customizable digital signal processor (DSP) cores and surround them with other needed modules without great concern about exceeding the chip's transistor capacity. Such capacity also eliminates the need to coordinate the efforts of a DSP ven- dor, an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) vendor, a tool maker and a foundry. The entire system can come from one source. For additional information, access: WWW

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