FILENUMBER: 7018 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Text Conceptual Design of MCMs and Systems END_KEYWORDS DATE: july 1994 TITLE: Text on Conceptual Design of MCMs and Systems by Sandborn and Moreno Text on Conceptual Design of MCMs and Systems by Sandborn and Moreno ISBN 0-7923-9395-3 ($88) Peter Sandborn and Hector Moreno Microelectronics & Computer Technology Corporation of Austin, TX, Conceptual Design of MCMs and Systems treats activities which take place at the conceptual and specification level of the design of complex multichip systems. These activities include the formalization of design knowledge (information modeling), tradeoff analysis, partitioning, and decision process capture. All of these functions occur prior to the traditional CAD activi- ties of synthesis and physical design. Inherent in the design of electronic modules are tradeoffs which must be understood before feasible technology, material, process, and partitioning choices can be selected. To order, contact: Kluwer Academic Publishers 101 Philip Drive Norwell, MA 02061 TEL: (617)-871-6600 FAX: (617)-871-6528 kluwer@world.std.com

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