FILENUMBER: 7019 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Text Conceptual Design MCMs Systems END_KEYWORDS DATE: july 1994 TITLE: Text on Simultaneous Switching Noise of CMOS Devices and Systems Text on Simultaneous Switching Noise of CMOS Devices and Systems by Senthinathan and Prince ISBN 0-7923-9400-3 ($85) Ramesh Senthinathan of Motorola and John Prince of the University of Arizona Simultaneous Switching Noise of CMOS Devices and Systems covers recent research on package-induced noise problems in single and multi-chip package assemblies. It examines in detail the methods for calculating simultaneous switching noise and overall noise containment in a system. To order, contact: Kluwer Academic Publishers 101 Philip Drive Norwell, MA 02061 TEL: (617)-871-6600 FAX: (617)-871-6528 kluwer@world.std.com

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