FILENUMBER: 8010 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Call CAD Benchmarks ISCAS END_KEYWORDS DATE: november 1994 TITLE: Call for CAD Benchmarks Call for CAD Benchmarks (Contributed by Franc Brglez of North Carolina State Univ.) A new set of public domain benchmarks is being assembled to chal- lenge the capabilities of existing tools while motivating the development of new generation of algorithms and tools. Ideally, this set will remove or at least reduce the need for individual non-disclosure agreements and give equal access to the same set of new challenges to all researchers from industry as well as academia. The goal for the public domain release of the new benchmark set is June 30, 1995. This new set will significantly exceed the complexity and the versatility of the ISCAS85 and IS- CAS89 sets and be suitable for benchmarking test generation, log- ic synthesis, optimization, standard cell or FPGA technology map- ping, logic and timing verification, logic/switch/transistor- level simulation, FPGA or standard cell partitioning, placement and routing. Benchmark submission guidelines are based on our experiences with the ISCAS89 set: - CAD Benchmarking Laboratory is prepared to sign a qualified NDA with any enterprise submitting a given benchmark. The qualification is that while the benchmark will be released into the public domain, the original owner of the benchmark will never be revealed, nor will any other information designated as sensitive by the submitting enterprise be revealed. - Everybody submitting a bona-fide benchmark will be able to participate in an anonymous review of the complete set of submitted benchmarks and rank the benchmark candidates for final selection in the public domain release. This in fact will form the core of the Benchmark Review Committee which will establish and publicize domain-specific benchmarking criteria. Each benchmark submission proposal should be submitted to: Dr. Franc Brglez NCSU/CAD Benchmarking Laboratory (CBL) P.O. Box 12889 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2889 TEL: (919)-248-1925 FAX: (919)-248-9245 EMAIL: brglez@cbl.ncsu.edu

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