FILENUMBER: 9163 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Text VLSI Physical Design Sarrafzadeh Wong END_KEYWORDS DATE: september 1996 TITLE: Text on VLSI Physical Design by Sarrafzadeh and Wong

Text on VLSI Physical Design by Sarrafzadeh and Wong

An Introduction to VLSI Physical Design

Majid Sarrafzadeh, Northwestern Univeristy
C. K. Wong, T. J. Watson Research Center

Hard: 0-07-057194-5 (Feb 1996) $77.69 US
6 3/8 x 9 1/4

** Description **

This graduate level text is designed for use in a computer aided design of
VLSI circuits course, offered in electrical and computer engineering or
computer science. The text treats the physical design of very large scale
intergrated circuits gradually and systematically. It examines the design
problem and the design process with the aim of evaluating the efficiency of
automatic design systems through algorithmic analysis. The layout problem is
viewed as a collection of sub-problems which can be individually solved
efficienctly and then effectively combined. Initially, the text reviews VLSI
technology, and then examines layout rules and cell generation techniques.

** Audience **

Graduate level computer science students.

** Contents **

Introduction. The Top-Down Approach: Location. The Top-Down Aproach:
Routing. Performance Issues in Circuit Layout. Single Layer Routing and
Applications. Cell Generations and Programmable Structures. Compaction.

 Subject(s):Engineering--Electrical and Electronic Engineering--VLSI

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