FILENUMBER: 9306 BEGIN_KEYWORDS MOSIS Enhances Access HP cmos34 cmos14 Hewlett-Packard Submicron Processes END_KEYWORDS DATE: september 1996 TITLE: MOSIS Enhances Access to Hewlett-Packard Submicron Processes

MOSIS Enhances Access to Hewlett-Packard Submicron Processes

MOSIS has announced the availability of the linear capacitor 
(a la AMOSI on CMOS34) in addition to the silicide block layer on
the 0.5u (HP CMOS14TB) process.  CAP_WELL and SILICIDE_BLOCK layers
will be supported on all MOSIS HP 0.5u runs, starting with the
October 2nd run. Layout rules (SCMOS) and electrical specs can be
obtained from  WWW: MOSIS 
or via anonymous ftp to ftp.mosis.org under 
pub/mosis/vendors/hp-cmos14tb/* and pub/mosis/designrules/*.
MOSIS is considering increasing the number these runs from the
current frequency of every two months to a proposed every month.
However, before we commit to this change, we would like feedback
from our designers on this process.  If you feel the increased
frequency would be helpful, or if you feel it is not needed and
efforts would be better directed elsewhere, let us know.

Those interested in these enhancements should send email to 
mosis-help@mosis.org to let MOSIS know how much or how little 
you anticipate using the 0.5u process during the coming year.

The MOSIS Service

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