FILENUMBER: 9407 BEGIN_KEYWORDS DEC Seminar Kit END_KEYWORDS DATE: march 1997 TITLE: DEC Technical Seminar/Hardware Evaluation Kit Pilot Program

February 14, 1997

TO:  University Researchers      From:  Karen Flattery, Mgr., 
                                        University Research Programs
                                        Digital Semiconductor 
                                        Digital Equipment Corporation

Subject:   Technical Seminar/Hardware Evaluation Kit Pilot Program

Digital Semiconductor engineers have been giving technical seminars on our
latest technologies at select colleges and universities for many years. The
seminars have been very well received and have been useful from our perspective
to disseminate information on Digitals technology. 
This year we are adding a new component to further interaction with university
researchers. This letter is to inform you of the opportunity, and to seek your
participation. Please feel free to forward this information to other EECS
faculty and research staff members. Please note that I'm using EECS as a
general term and ask your understanding if your specific department is ECE,
ECS, or other similar name. 

The plan is to give "evaluation kit hardware" to specific researchers in
parallel with the presentation of a department wide seminar on our newest

Our interest is to have the hardware used as a classroom teaching tool or 
other research and experimentation purpose. We offer this as a way to give
students and researchers the opportunity to more fully explore the 
possibilities of the technology beyond the seminar format. 

The "kits", are based on our StrongARM and Alpha technologies and contain 
the CPU, Motherboard and the Design Kit. Design kit includes: 
-  chip architecture doc.        	-  plots - schematics
-  board level doc.             	-  architecture manual
-  board design info on floppy disk	-  board level software
         				   (to make firmware changes)
Please note that there is no cost to the university to participate. We will
however need to determine who receives the 'kits' due to the limited amount
of them available for this purpose. To make those determinations I need 
interested researchers to send a BRIEF overview of their research/class
projects and their plans to use the evaluation hardware. Recipients will be
chosen based on research areas of interest to Digital Semiconductor, the 
implementation of the hardware, and the expected outcome of the project.

Please keep overviews, clear, concise and brief and submit them to, Karen
Flattery - Flattery@Funies.Enet.Dec.Com  -  no later than March 1, 1997.
Submissions will be reviewed and recipients notified shortly therafter. 
Those not chosen will also receive notification.

Evaluation Kit/Recipient info

Evaluation Kits are based on either the Alpha PC164 or StrongARM architecture.
Recipients need to supply their own memory/peripherals to make (complete)
'systems', if that is what their project requires. Please be advised that there
is little follow on technical support and experience in this area is necessary. 

I hope that you find this to be an interesting proposal and I look forward to
hearing from you in the near future. Thanks for your attention.

Best Regards,

Karen Flattery - Mgr., University Research Programs, 
Digital Semiconductor, Digital Equipment Corporation

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