FILENUMBER: 9409 BEGIN_KEYWORDS Special-Issue IEEE-Design-and-Test END_KEYWORDS DATE: march 1997 TITLE: Special Issue of IEEE Design and Test

                        Call For Papers:  FPGA
                  IEEE Design and Test of Computers
                            Special Issue
                   Spring 1998, Volume 15, Number 1
      WWW to Call

IEEE Design and Test of Computers seeks original manuscripts for a
theme issue on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) scheduled to
appear in the first issue of 1998.  Articles concerning applied
research and practical experience reports are solicited.  The topics
of interest include, but are not limited to:

   FPGA Fabrication and Technology.  Manufacturing, process control,
   yield enhancement, and novel architectures for and device
   technology to support field programmable chips.

   Exploitation of Field Programmability.  Configurable computer
   architectures, rapid prototyping, programmable interconnect
   architectures, field configurable memories, programmable I/O
   systems, and novel implementations.

   Reliable Online Implementations.  Online testing, built-in
   self-test, concurrent testing, design for rapid testability,
   latency reduction, fault containment, verification of
   reprogramming, online reconfiguration approaches, and design for

   Synthesis Approaches and Tools.  Partitioning, logic minimization
   and technology mapping, placement and routing, test generation,
   verification of synthesis, and design for synthesizability.

Submitted articles must not have been previously published or
currently submitted for publication elsewhere.  Authors should submit
their original work to the guest editor by May 1, 1997, formatted
according to the instructions below.  Notification of acceptance will
be sent September 1, 1997.  Camera-ready copy for accepted papers will
be due November 1, 1997.

Submit articles by May 1, 1997 to:

Prof. Fabrizio Lombardi, Guest Editor
Department of Computer Science                  Phone:  (409) 845--5464
Texas A & M University                            Fax:  (409) 847--8578
College Station TX  77843-3112            E-Mail:  lombardi@cs.tamu.edu

Important dates:

        May 1, 1997:  Submission deadline
  September 1, 1997:  Authors notified of acceptance
                      with requested revisions
   November 1, 1997:  Final copy due to Design & Test Managing Editor
        Spring 1998:  Publication in IEEE Design and Test of Computers

Submission requirements:

Send six (6) copies of the manuscript, in English, to the guest
editor.  Manuscripts are not to exceed 35 double-spaced pages,
inclusive of figures and tables, in A4 or 8.5 by 11 inches.  Type size
must be at least 12 point.  Each copy of the manuscript must contain a
cover page with author contact information (name, postal address,
telephone number, and e-mail address) and a 100-word abstract.
Manuscripts must be cleared for publication.  Accepted manuscripts
will be edited for technical content, structure, style, clarity, and
grammar.  Detailed information for authors can be found at the Computer
Society D&T website at http://www.computer.org/pubs/d&t/d&t.htm or in
the Spring 1996 issue of Design & Test.

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