// Default Spectre Simulation run title card. // Generated for: spectre // Generated on: Nov 10 15:25:30 2002 // Design library name: sct_work // Design cell name: ota1 // Design view name: schematic simulator lang=spectre global 0 VDD! GND! include "/sw/CDS/local/models/spectre/standalone/ami06P.m" include "/sw/CDS/local/models/spectre/standalone/ami06N.m" // Library name: sct_work // Cell name: ota1 // View name: schematic P3 (NODE3 NODE2 VDD! VDD!) ami06P w=21.6u l=2.1u as=3.24e-11 ad=3.24e-11 \ ps=46.2u pd=46.2u m=2 region=sat P2 (VOUT NODE4 VDD! VDD!) ami06P w=21.6u l=2.1u as=3.24e-11 ad=3.24e-11 \ ps=46.2u pd=46.2u m=2 region=sat P1 (NODE4 NODE4 VDD! VDD!) ami06P w=21.6u l=2.1u as=3.24e-11 ad=3.24e-11 \ ps=46.2u pd=46.2u m=2 region=sat P0 (NODE2 NODE2 VDD! VDD!) ami06P w=21.6u l=2.1u as=3.24e-11 ad=3.24e-11 \ ps=46.2u pd=46.2u m=2 region=sat N5 (VOUT NODE3 GND! GND!) ami06N w=10.8u l=2.1u as=1.62e-11 ad=1.62e-11 \ ps=24.6u pd=24.6u m=2 region=sat N4 (NODE3 NODE3 GND! GND!) ami06N w=10.8u l=2.1u as=1.62e-11 ad=1.62e-11 \ ps=24.6u pd=24.6u m=2 region=sat N3 (IBIAS IBIAS GND! GND!) ami06N w=10.8u l=2.1u as=1.62e-11 ad=1.62e-11 \ ps=24.6u pd=24.6u m=2 region=sat N2 (NODE1 IBIAS GND! GND!) ami06N w=10.8u l=2.1u as=1.62e-11 ad=1.62e-11 \ ps=24.6u pd=24.6u m=2 region=sat N1 (NODE4 VINP NODE1 GND!) ami06N w=10.8u l=2.1u as=1.62e-11 ad=1.62e-11 \ ps=24.6u pd=24.6u m=2 region=sat N0 (NODE2 VINM NODE1 GND!) ami06N w=10.8u l=2.1u as=1.62e-11 ad=1.62e-11 \ ps=24.6u pd=24.6u m=2 region=sat // Spectre Source Statements Vdd (VDD! 0) vsource dc=5 Gnd (GND! 0) vsource dc=0 Vin (VINP 0) vsource type=pwl wave=[0 2.45 100n 2.45 100.1n 2.55] Vfb (VOUT VINM) vsource dc=0 Ibias (VDD! IBIAS) isource dc=10u Cload (VOUT 0) capacitor c=10pf // Spectre Analyses and Output Options Statements // Output Options simOptions options //+ reltol = 1.00000000E-03 //+ vabstol = 1.00000000E-06 //+ iabstol = 1.00000000E-12 //+ temp = 27 //+ save = allpub //+ currents = selected // Analyses // dc1 dc oppoint=logfile homotopy=all tran1 tran start=0 stop=800n step=1n errpreset=moderate // End of Netlist