Midterm Review

You are responsible for all of the material up through Widgets and Message Dialogs.

Java Basics
	Make sure you know how to write a Java program
	Make sure you understand the differences between C++ and Java
	Know how to use pointers to create linked data structures
	Java has no stack-allocated objects, including arrays
	    To create an array of TreeNodes, you must write
		TreeNode forest[] = new TreeNode[10];
		for (i = 0; i < forest.length; i++)
		    forest[i] = new TreeNode();
	Java I/O
		For reading lines
		For tokenizing lines (remember to close these scanners)
		For file I/O (drop a FileReader object into a BufferReader
		    object which in turn is dropped into a Scanner
	    String => Number Conversion using Integer.parseInt and

	Garbage Collection
	    Reference Counting 
	    Tracing Collectors
		Generational collectors

How to execute a Java program
        Use the package prefix
    	Use the -sourcepath or -sp flag to tell the compiler where to
		find packages
	Use the -classpath or -cp flag to tell the interpreter where to
		find packages
        How to create and execute a .jar file
            1) Use either the -e flag or a manifest file to declare the entry point
            2) Must store packages as directories
            3) Use -C flag to "cd" to parent directories of package directories
                  before including the package directory

Collection classes
    Know when it is appropriate to use each type of collection class
    Know how to sort using the Collections.sort() and list.sort() commands
    Maps are not part of Collections so know how to convert parts of a Map
        to a collection
        1) entrySet() returns Set<Map.Entry<K,V>> which can be
             given as a parameter to an ArrayList/LinkedList to create a list of
             entries. Note that you can iterate over a Set as well--you do
             not need to create a list for iteration but you might for sorting.
        2) keySet() returns Set<K> of keys which can be given as a 
             parameter to an ArrayList/LinkedList to create a list of keys
        3) values() returns a Collection<V> which is iterable.
    Every Collection (e.g., LinkedList, ArrayList, Set, etc) has a constructor
        that accepts a Collection as an argument and creates the appropriate
	object from that Collection. Hence any Map's keys, values, or key/value
        pairs can be converted to any Collection object by using one of the 
        above three commands to get a Collection and then passing the result
	to the appropriate constructor.
	How to draw an inheritance tree
	Interfaces versus classes
	    interfaces are declarations of types (specify an API)
	    classes are concrete implementations of types (provide implementation)
	Types/Subtypes and Classes/Subclasses: Note the relationship
		between types/classes and also that subinterfaces represent
	    i. Abstract type: A set of operations only (Stack)
	    ii. type: A set of values + a set of operations (Stack of ints)
	Virtual methods: Know the difference between virtual, pure virtual,
		and non-virtual methods
	    i. virtual methods provide an implementation that may be
	       overridden by a subclass
	    ii. pure virtual methods: provide no implementation and hence
	    	subclasses must provide an implementation
	    iii. non-virtual method: a method whose implementation must be
	    	 accepted by all subclasses (i.e., it cannot be overridden)

	Know Java and C++ syntax for inheritance (abstract, extends, implements,
		access modifier before each method)

	C++ Inheritance Issues
	    1) Initialization lists for constructors and why they are more
	       efficient than assignments in constructor bodies
	    2) Multiple inheritance
		a) What it is
		b) Shared versus replicated inheritance
	    3) How to inherit implementation but not interface by subclassing
		using the protected keyword

	Packages (Java)
	Namespaces/Friends (C++)
	void */putting structs in .c rather than .h files to hide
	   implementation (C)

	Disadvantages of Friends
	    one-way: requires O(n^2) declarations to share implementation
		among n classes
	    not inherited: subclasses must also be declared friends

	Java adds package-level access: know the difference between
		package-level and protected access

Generics (Templates)
	Polymorphism-Parametric versus subtype
	    parametric (templates): same piece of code operates on different
	      explicit (C++, Java): explicitly provide the type parameters
	      implicit (scripting and functional languages): the runtime
	      	   environment infers the types of the parameters
	    subtype (inheritance): different piece of code may operate on
	    	 different types but the behavior must be the same
	Know how to write a template class in Java and C++
	Use void * in C to get generic functions/data structures

	    	        Template Properties
			Java	C++	C
	Compilable	 yes	no	yes
	Primitive Types   no 	yes	no

	Java uses type erasure to compile template code: it replaces each
	   type parameter with its upper bound 

	Try/throw/catch in Java/C++
	    use try/catch rather than exit so that stack frames get popped
		and destructors executed in C++. These destructors can
		do the appropriate thing with partially completed resources.
	setjmp/longjmp in C
	    variables stored in registers may be lost
	    volatile variables solve the problem but require a write-through
		to memory which can jam the processor pipeline

	know how to write Java and C++ code with exceptions
	    1) try/catch: try executes error-free code and catch executes
		error handling code
	    2) throw: does not have to appear in a try statement, but if 
		it does not, then the exception is thrown out of the function
	    3) throws declaration: Java requires that exceptions of type
		Exception be declared as not handled using a "throws" 
		statement if they are not caught by a catch statement. This
		is true even if the exception is thrown by a called function
		rather than the function itself
	    4) finally always executes

	know the different Java exception classes and what they do
	    1) Throwable--top-level exception class
	    2) Error--unrecoverable hardware errors
	    3) Exception--for user-defined exceptions--these are checked
		by Java and must either be caught or declared unhandled
	    4) RuntimeException--the one type of Exception object that does
		not have to be caught or declared unhandled

Graphical User Interfaces/Event Programming
        1) Event Programming versus Procedural Programming
            a) external versus internal control
            b) distributed versus centralized-control
            c) need for immediate feedback
            d) input comes from events rather than console/files
            e) output is graphics rather than console output/files
        2) Presentation and Behavioral Components
        3) Widget: A small, interactive, application-independent object that
             either 1) performs some editing or input task, or
             2) displays application state information or describes the input task
             a) Types of widgets: know when it's appropriate to use the most common
                  types of widgets--radio buttons, check boxes, menus, sliders, spinners,
                  text boxes
                i) provide informative displays
               ii) allow user to enter one or more choices from a set of choices
              iii) allow user to enter a number
               iv) allow user to enter a text string
                v) containers that organize/layout collections of widgets

             b) Design Considerations
                i) Acquire/Release of screen space to minimize footprint
               ii) Enable/Disable: Typically gray out disabled widgets rather than removing
                     them so users always know where to look for them
              iii) Active/Inactive: Always provide feedback when a widget is active
               iv) Final Feedback: Always provide final feedback when a widget becomes
                   inactive so user sees final result and knows that the interaction is