#include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; /* A person is composed of a name and a credit card number. */ class Person { public: string name; string cc; }; /* This is our djb hash function, copied from the lecture notes. */ unsigned int djb_hash(const string &s) { size_t i; unsigned int h; h = 5381; for (i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) { h = (h << 5) + h + s[i]; } return h; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { vector < vector > table; // The hash table size_t table_size; // The table's size size_t i, index; // Helpers string s; istringstream ss; Person p; ifstream f; /* Process the command line. */ try { if (argc != 3) throw ((string) "usage: cc_hacker table_size file"); ss.clear(); ss.str(argv[1]); if (!(ss >> table_size || table_size == 0)) throw((string) "Bad table size"); f.open(argv[2]); if (f.fail()) throw ((string) "couldn't open the file."); } catch (string s) { cerr << s << endl; exit(1); } table.resize(table_size); /* - Read in each name and credit card, error checking, and create a person p. - Hash the name. - Insert p into the hash table. */ while (getline(f, s)) { ss.clear(); ss.str(s); if (!(ss >> p.cc)) { cerr << "Bad line\n"; exit(1); } if (p.cc.size() != 16 || p.cc.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != string::npos) { cerr << "Bad credit card\n"; return 1; } if (!(ss >> p.name)) { cerr << "Bad name\n"; exit(1); } while (ss >> s) { p.name += " "; p.name += s; } index = djb_hash(p.name) % table.size(); table[index].push_back(p); } /* Process standard input: - Get a name. - Look it up in the hash table, and print out the name/cc if it's there. - If it's not there, print that it's not found, and print the index into the table. */ while(1) { printf("Enter a name> "); if (!getline(cin, s)) exit(1); index = djb_hash(s) % table.size(); for (i = 0; i < table[index].size(); i++) { if (table[index][i].name == s) { p = table[index][i]; printf("Found it: Table entry %lu: %s %s\n", index, p.name.c_str(), p.cc.c_str()); i = table[index].size(); } } if (i == table[index].size()) { printf("Not found. Table entry %lu\n", index); } } return 0; }