/* Libraries for fields, doubly-linked lists and red-black trees. Copyright (C) 2001 James S. Plank This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Plank plank@cs.utk.edu http://web.eecs.utk.edu/~jplank Associate Professor Department of Computer Science University of Tennessee 203 Claxton Complex 1122 Volunteer Blvd. Knoxville, TN 37996-3450 865-974-4397 Fax: 865-974-4404 */ /* Revision Date: 9/09 * Modified by Brad Vander Zanden in the following ways: * * 1) Added a container object to point to the sentinel node * 2) Changed the val field from a JVal to a void * * 3) Changed the names of the flink and blink fields to next and prev * 4) Changed the typedef to a node from a pointer to a struct to a simple struct and * appropriately modified the return values and parameter lists of the functions */ #include /* Basic includes and definitions */ #include #include "dllist.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * PROCEDURES FOR MANIPULATING DOUBLY LINKED LISTS * Each list contains a sentinel node. * If l is empty, then the sentinel node points to itself. *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Dllist* new_dllist() { Dllist *d; Dllist_Node *node; d = (Dllist *) malloc (sizeof(Dllist)); node = (Dllist_Node *)malloc(sizeof(Dllist_Node)); d->sentinel_node = node; node->next = node; node->prev = node; return d; } /* Inserts before a given node */ Dllist_Node *dll_insert_before(Dllist_Node *node, void *v) { Dllist_Node *newnode; Dllist_Node *prev_node = node->prev; newnode = (Dllist_Node *) malloc (sizeof(Dllist_Node)); newnode->val = v; newnode->next = node; newnode->prev = prev_node; node->prev = newnode; prev_node->next = newnode; return newnode; } /* Inserts after a given node */ Dllist_Node *dll_insert_after(Dllist_Node *n, void *val) { printf("you still have to implement this function\n"); /* Your code goes here */ } /* Inserts at the end of the list */ Dllist_Node *dll_append(Dllist *l, void *val) { printf("you still have to implement this function\n"); /* Your code goes here */ } /* Inserts at the beginning of the list */ Dllist_Node *dll_prepend(Dllist *l, void *val) { printf("you still have to implement this function\n"); /* Your code goes here */ } /* Deletes an arbitrary item */ void dll_delete_node(Dllist_Node *node) { printf("you still have to implement this function\n"); /* Your code goes here */ } int dll_empty(Dllist *l) { return (l->sentinel_node->next == l->sentinel_node); } void free_dllist(Dllist *l) { while (!dll_empty(l)) { dll_delete_node(dll_first(l)); } free(l->sentinel_node); free(l); } void *dll_val(Dllist_Node *n) { return n->val; } Dllist_Node *dll_sentinel(Dllist *l) { return l->sentinel_node; } Dllist_Node *dll_first(Dllist *l) { return l->sentinel_node->next; } Dllist_Node *dll_last(Dllist *l) { return l->sentinel_node->prev; } Dllist_Node *dll_next(Dllist_Node *n) { return n->next; } Dllist_Node *dll_prev(Dllist_Node *n) { return n->prev; }