The following vi commands are very common and should help you
to speed up your coding:

the  key will always put into the command mode. 

	-------		--------

	dd		deletes line that the cursor is on
	#dd		deletes # lines on and below the cursor	

	x		deletes char at the cursor location
	#x		deletes # chars startring at the cursor location

	D		deletes everything from the cursor to end of line

	p		puts whatever was just deleted (any commands above)
			either on the line below the cursor (for dd and #dd)
			or after the cursor on same line (for x or #x of D)

	u		undoes the last command

	r 		replaces the character at the cursor with the next 
			character entered

	cw		changes word at cursor to whatever you type after cw
	dw		deletes word begining at cursor location
	#dw		deletes # words begining at cursor location

	.		performs last command

	yy		copies (yanks) entire line of cursor into a buffer
	#yy		copies # lines at cursor location into a buffer
	p		places yanked line(s) from buffer to location of cursor

	0		places cursor at begining of line
	$		places cursor at end of current line

	/	searches from cursor for any occurrance of 
			and places cursor at that location (if found).
	n		takes you to the next location of  if found

	:r  	inserts entire file specified by  to file
			at current cursor location.

	:w		saves any changes to a file
	:q		quits vi program
	:wq		saves changes and quits
	:q!		quits vi and does not save any changes made (explicitly)