CS140 -- Lab 0.5

The purpose of this lab is to give you practice using the grading scripts that you will use in your homeworks. The intent is for you to finish it in lab; however, if you don't you have time to finish it on your own. After this in-class lab, you'll be doing topcoder in lab.

The program that you should write: How much gold -- gold.cpp

This program reads a "map" on standard input. It's really a text file in the following format: For example, the following map in map1.txt contains a lot of dirt, but it also contains one rock with nothing under it, and three rocks with gold: one ounce (A), three ounces (C) and 26 ounces (Z).


Your job is to write a program called gold.cpp, which reads a map on standard input and prints the total ounces of gold on the map.

There is an example executable in gold. Try it out:

UNIX> gold < map1.txt
UNIX> cat map2.txt
UNIX> gold < map2.txt

Testing and Grading for Correctness

There are two programs that you should use for testing and grading. The first is gradescript. You can call it from the lab directory, and you call it with a number between 1 and 100. This will execute a of your gold program. You need to have your gold executable in the current directory, and call the gradescript as follows:
UNIX> ~plank/cs140/Labs/Lab0.5/gradescript 1
Problem 001 is correct.

Test: ./gold < /home/plank/cs140/Labs/Lab0.5/Gradescript-Examples/001.txt
The gradescript is saying that test #1 worked correctly. The test that it ran was:
UNIX> ./gold < /home/plank/cs140/Labs/Lab0.5/Gradescript-Examples/001.txt
You can examine the input file with cat or more, or even vi:
UNIX> cat /home/plank/cs140/Labs/Lab0.5/Gradescript-Examples/001.txt
Let us suppose that you made a mistake writing gold, and that instead it is a program that always prints "1":
UNIX> cat retone.cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
  cout << "1\n";
  return 0;
UNIX> g++ -o gold retone.cpp
When you run problem one on it, it works fine, because "1" is the proper output for the first problem. However, it fails on problem 2:
UNIX> ~plank/cs140/Labs/Lab0.5/gradescript 1
Problem 001 is correct.

Test: ./gold < /home/plank/cs140/Labs/Lab0.5/Gradescript-Examples/001.txt
UNIX> ~plank/cs140/Labs/Lab0.5/gradescript 2
Problem 002 is incorrect.

Your standard output does not match the correct one.


./gold < /home/plank/cs140/Labs/Lab0.5/Gradescript-Examples/002.txt


Your standard output is in tmp-002-test-stdout.txt.
Your standard error  is in tmp-002-test-stderr.txt.

The correct standard output is in tmp-002-correct-stdout.txt.
The correct standard error  is in tmp-002-correct-stderr.txt.

Look at correct files and your files, perhaps run 'diff -y' on them, and figure out your mistake.
Please remember to delete this files when you are finished.
You can examine your output and the proper output in the files listed:
UNIX> cat tmp-002-test-stdout.txt
UNIX> cat tmp-002-correct-stdout.txt
UNIX> cat /home/plank/cs140/Labs/Lab0.5/Gradescript-Examples/002.txt
That way, you can try to find your errors. In most cases, your output must match mine exactly. That can be a challenge.

The script gradeall checks your programs in 100 test cases:

UNIX> /home/plank/cs140/Labs/Lab0.5/gradeall
Problem 001 is correct.
Problem 002 is correct.
Problem 003 is correct.


Problem 099 is correct.
Problem 100 is correct.

100 Correct out of 100