Garbage Collection

Garbage collection is a process by which a run-time environment automatically de-allocates and reclaims ununsed memory. Garbage collection represents a trade-off between increased code robustness and decreased code efficiency. By freeing the programmer of the obligation to explicitly de-allocate memory, garbage collection avoids dangling references caused by prematurely de-allocated memory and memory leaks caused by failing to de-allocate memory when the last pointer to the object is obliterated. Dangling references are among the most difficult and costly error to detect, so eliminating them can considerably speed up code development and increase the robustness of the code.

However, garbage collection requires a considerable amount of bookkeeping and is famously associated with pauses in a program while garbage collection is performed. Additionally, programmers typically know when an object is no longer needed and can be de-allocated. A programmer can manually de-allocate an object much more directly and efficiently than a garbage collector, thus leading to faster code.

Garbage collection algorithms fall into two broad categories: reference counting and tracing collection. The rest of these notes explores these algorithms in more detail.

  1. Reference Counting

    1. Description: Keeps track of the number of pointers that reference each block of memory in the heap and adds a block of memory to the free list when its reference count drops to 0
      1. each memory block contains a four byte field which counts the number of references to this block

      2. the compiler inserts statements that increment or decrement reference counts around program statements that perform pointer variable assignment
        		  Example:                                     Reference Counts
        		                                                "Hello" "World"
        		             String a = new String("Hello");       1       0
        		             String b = new String("World");       1       1
        			     b = a;                                2       0
        			     After the assignment of a to b, the string object
        			     containing "World" gets garbaged collected

    2. Advantages

      1. the cost of garbage collection is distributed uniformly over a program's execution so there is never an irritating pause in program execution

    3. Disadvantages

      1. reference counting statements must be added before and after every program statement that performs a pointer assignment. These statements can increase the cost of a pointer assignment by a factor of 3.
      2. reference counting cannot garbage collect circular structures
      3. every block of memory must have an extra four bytes that are devoted to reference counting.
      4. assumes a strongly typed language because the compiler needs to know what to do with a pointer that references a field in the middle of a memory block (i.e., it needs to be able to generate code that finds the reference count for the memory block and increments/decrements it appropriately)

  2. Tracing Collectors: Tracing collectors work by marking objects as either usable or un-usable and reclaiming un-usable objects

    1. Mark and Sweep

      1. Description: A three step method that is periodically invoked to determine which objects in the heap are not referenced by any chain of pointers that originates from outside the heap (i.e., from a pointer currently on the stack or from a global variable).

        1. Step 1: Walk through the heap and mark every block as "useless"

        2. Step 2: For each pointer outside the heap do a depth-first search and mark all blocks that are encountered as "useful." (when the collector reaches a block already marked as "useful" it knows it has reached the block via some other path and can stop recursing) Doing a depth-first search means having to recurse into structures. For example, suppose we are given the following class and variable declarations:
          		   class ListNode {           class List {
          		       ListNode *next;	          ListNode *head;
          		       ListNode *prev:		  ListNode *cursor;
          		       int value;             };
          		    List *a;
          When we follow a's pointer, we must recurse into List and follow List's head and cursor pointers. Similarly when we follow the head and cursor pointers, we will have to recurse into ListNodes and follow their *next and *prev pointers.

        3. Step 3: Walk through the heap again and move every block still marked as "useless" to the free list

      2. Advantages

        1. requires less overhead than reference counting since it is only called when free memory is exhausted
        2. garbage collects circular structures

      3. Disadvantages

        1. can cause long annoying pauses when garbage collection occurs. Since garbage collection typically occurs when free memory is exhausted, a great deal of memory must be typically searched. Hence the garbage collection process can take a noticeable period of time and can disrupt the interactivity of an application. There are some incremental garbage collectors that interleave their execution with the program, thus amortizing the cost of their execution. These garbage collectors lead to somewhat slower overall execution times, because of thread switching and more bookkeeping, but can dramatically reduce the length of the pauses.

        2. requires a strongly typed language and each memory block must start with a pointer to a type descriptor. The reason a type descriptor is required is that if the object contains pointer fields, then the garbage collector must recursively follow these pointer fields, and the type descriptor will tell the garbage collector where in the object these pointer fields are located.

        3. the algorithms can be fairly tricky to implement. For example, since garbage collection is initiated when free memory is exhausted, there will not be a great deal of space to store the stack required for depth-first search. Hence many algorithms reverse the pointers as they traverse the heap so that they can return to their previous block when they finish recursing

    2. Stop-and-Copy

      1. Description: A technique that can eliminate memory fragmentation by compacting storage. It divides the heap into two halves of equal size and does all its allocation in one half. When this half fills up, it copies the usable memory to the other half, compacts the storage, and patches up pointers. Although it may seem that dividing the heap in half cuts memory in half, that is not really the case since modern processes use virtual memory that gets mapped to physical memory. Hence you're really only halving virtual memory, which you can make quite large using current disk sizes.

      2. Detailed Algorithm

        1. When a half is nearly full, the collector starts its exploration of reachable data structures. Each reachable block is copied into the second half of the heap, with no external fragmentation
        2. The old version of the block, in the first half of the heap, is overwritten with a "useful" flag and a pointer to the new location.
        3. Any pointer that refers to the same block and that is found later in the exploration is updated to point to the new location.

      3. Advantages

        1. Eliminates memory fragmentation
        2. Eliminates steps 1 and 3 of mark-and-sweep

      4. Disadvantage: Halves the heap size, although as noted earlier, it only really halves virtual memory heap size

    3. Generational Collectors

      1. Key Observation: Most dynamically allocated objects are short-lived, so they can be placed in a "nursery" region and garbage collected more quickly

      2. Detailed Description

        1. Memory is divided into multiple regions, often just two, with one region being the nursery region and one being the long-lived region
        2. When space runs low, the garbage collector garbage collects the nursery region. If not enough space can be reclaimed in the nursery region, it garbage collects successively higher regions, thus weeding out older lived blocks that have become un-usable.
        3. After some number of collections, frequently just one, blocks get promoted from their region to the next older region in a manner similar to stop-and-copy.
        4. One complication is that there may be pointers from the older regions to the newer regions and we don't want to exhaustively search the older regions to update pointers when newer objects are promoted. To handle this case, the compiler must generate code at each pointer assignment to check whether the new pointer is an old-to-new pointer. If so, it adds the pointer to a hidden list accessible to the collector. This instrumentation on assignment is known as a write barrier. In general the list of old-to-new pointers is fairly short, since it is relatively rare for an older object to point to a newer object.

      3. Advantage: Decreases the length of pauses by garbage collecting smaller regions

      4. Disadvantage: Much more complicated and can slow down overall execution by requiring the instrumentation of pointer assignments. However, the instrumentation is pretty cheap. The nursery starts at a known region in memory that ends with a bunch of 0's (e.g., 0x80000000) so right shift the pointer to obtain the high order bits of the pointer and then do a fast comparison. If the right shifted pointer is less than the start of the nursery, the pointer is into the older generations and otherwise is into the nursery.