import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Scanner; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; class GraphicsDriver extends JPanel { HashMap colorMap = new HashMap(); { colorMap.put("red",; colorMap.put("gray", Color.gray); colorMap.put("magenta", Color.magenta); colorMap.put("blue",; colorMap.put("green",; colorMap.put("orange",; colorMap.put("yellow", Color.yellow); colorMap.put("black",; } JFrame window = new JFrame(); LinkedList components = new LinkedList(); public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(800, 800); } public GraphicsDriver () { Scanner console = new Scanner(; Scanner lineTokenizer; while (console.hasNextLine()) { lineTokenizer = new Scanner(console.nextLine()); // determine if the line has a name field if (lineTokenizer.hasNext()) { String objectName =; if (objectName.equals("rectangle") || objectName.equals("oval")) { int left = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); int top = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); int width = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); int height = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); String color =; Color c = colorMap.get(color); if (objectName.equals("rectangle")) components.add(new Rectangle(left, top, width, height, c)); else components.add(new Oval(left, top, width, height, c)); } else if (objectName.equals("text")) { int left = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); int top = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); String color =; Color c = colorMap.get(color); String label = lineTokenizer.nextLine(); components.add(new Text(left, top, c, label)); } else if (objectName.equals("roundtangle")) { int left = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); int top = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); int width = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); int height = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); String color =; int arcsize; if (lineTokenizer.hasNextInt()) arcsize = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); else { String size =; if (size.equals("SMALL")) arcsize = Roundtangle.SMALL; else if (size.equals("MEDIUM")) arcsize = Roundtangle.MEDIUM; else arcsize = Roundtangle.LARGE; } Color c = colorMap.get(color); components.add(new Roundtangle(left, top, width, height, c, arcsize)); } else if (objectName.equals("line")) { int x1 = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); int y1 = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); int x2 = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); int y2 = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); String color =; Color c = colorMap.get(color); components.add(new Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, c)); } else if (objectName.equals("end")) { // time to read some points from the user lineTokenizer.close(); break; } else { System.out.println("invalid object name: must be one of (rectangle, roundtangle, line, oval, text)"); lineTokenizer.close(); continue; } } lineTokenizer.close(); } // get mouse points from user and find which object contains them pointCheck(console); window.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); window.getContentPane().add(this, BorderLayout.CENTER); window.pack(); window.setVisible(true); } void pointCheck(Scanner console) { ListIterator iter; boolean foundObj = false; while (console.hasNextLine()) { Scanner lineTokenizer = new Scanner(console.nextLine()); int x = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); int y = lineTokenizer.nextInt(); foundObj = false; for (iter = components.listIterator(components.size()); iter.hasPrevious();) { GraphicalObject obj = iter.previous(); if (obj.containsPt(x, y)) { System.out.printf("%s contains the point (%d, %d)%n", obj, x, y); foundObj = true; break; } } if (!foundObj) { System.out.printf("No object contains the point (%d, %d)%n", x, y); } lineTokenizer.close(); } } static public void main(String args[]) { GraphicsDriver testDriver = new GraphicsDriver(); } public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { for (GraphicalObject obj : components) { obj.draw(g); } } }