Homework 4

This homework is designed to give you practice with writing parsers in Bison. The first part gives you practice with a couple small problems, and the last part gives you practice with the graph grammar provided in homework 2. The first seven problems are worth 5 points each, and the last problem is worth 65 points.

  1. Rewrite production 1 in a way that it could be recognized using bison:
    (1) stmt -> directive?
    (2) directive -> left | right
  2. Rewrite production 1 in a way that it could be recognized using bison:
    (1) stmt -> directive+
    (2) directive -> left | right
  3. Rewrite production 1 in a way that it could be recognized using bison:
    (1) stmt -> directive*
    (2) directive -> left | right
  4. Rewrite production 1 in a way that it could be recognized using bison:
    (1) stmt -> directive number (, directive number)*
    (2) directive -> left | right
  5. Take a look at the bison specification in exp.yacc. It contains a Shift/Reduce conflict which you will be debugging in this problem. Compile this file using the command:
    bison -v exp.yacc
    1. Look at the output file produced by the -v flag. In which state does the Shift/Reduce conflict occur?
    2. What token is causing the Shift/Reduce conflict?
    3. Which production can be potentially reduced?
    4. Which production can be potentially recognized in the future if we shift the token?
    5. What directive can we add to the bison specification to eliminate the conflict?

  6. Take a look at the bison specification in sections.yacc. It contains a Shift/Reduce conflict which you will be debugging in this problem. Compile this file using the command:
    bison -v sections.yacc
    1. Look at the output file produced by the -v flag. In which state does the Shift/Reduce conflict occur?
    2. What token is causing the Shift/Reduce conflict?
    3. Which production can be potentially reduced?
    4. Which production can be potentially recognized in the future if we shift the token?
    5. The problem with the grammar as it is written is that both the assignments and edges are optional. If I allow you to add a requirement that there be at least one assignment and one edge, then you can rewrite the grammar to eliminate the Shift/Reduce conflict. Show me the rewritten grammar.

  7. In the previous problem, I allowed you to add a requirement that there be at least one assignment statement and one edge statement. Suppose though that I really wanted to allow both assignments and edges to be optional, which is what the following grammar (and the original grammar in sections.yacc) allows:
    stmt : assignmentList edgeList
    assignmentList : assignmentList assignment
    edgeList : edgeList edge
    assignment : ID EQUALS ID
    edge : ID ARROW ID
    Now I cannot rewrite the grammar to reduce the shift/reduce conflict. What could I instead add to the grammar in order to eliminate the shift/reduce conflict? Describe informally what you would do and then write the one production that you would change. You only need to add something to one production in order for the grammar to become unambiguous.

  8. Write a bison parser named "graph.yacc" for one of the following two grammars. The first grammar is a much simplified version of the graph grammar from homework 2 and is worth 50 points. The second grammar is the full graph grammar from homework 2 (slightly corrected) and is worth 65 points. The first grammar should take you significantly less time and will give you a good working knowledge of bison. The second grammar may take you considerably more time, depending on how facile you are with bison, and will give you an extremely good knowledge of how to work with bison.

    You will need to modify and submit your "graph.lex" file from homework 2 so that it works with graph.yacc. You may use my solution for graph.lex if yours did not work (see the homework 2 solutions). If you choose to recognize the simpler grammar, you need to eliminate those portions of graph.lex that contain tokens which are not in the simplified grammar. Here are some additional problem specifications:

    1. Your parser can exit as soon as the first syntax error is detected. Hence you will not need error productions. However, I do expect you to print the line number on which the syntax error occurs and I do expect you to use %error-verbose to produce nice error messages.
    2. You will need to rewrite the grammar to get rid of the ?, *, and + patterns. That is why I gave you practice doing so earlier in the homework.
    3. You will need to write a main function that calls "yyparse()".
    4. Your parser does not need to print anything if it accepts the user's program.
    5. You can try one of the following two executables to see whether or not a program is error-free:
      1. ~bvz/cs461/hw/hw4/graph: for the full graph grammar
      2. ~bvz/cs461/hw/hw4/edges: for the simplified graph grammar that specifies edges
    6. You can try the following files as example files, but you should try some other ones as well, including ones with errors:
      1. fsm and prereq for the full graph grammar
      2. fsm-edges and prereq-edges for the simplified graph grammar

    Here is the simplified grammar that is worth 50 points:

    adjacencyList => nodeAdjacencyList+
    nodeAdjacencyList => NODE_NAME -> NODE_NAME "EDGE_LABEL"?
                              (, NODE_NAME "EDGE_LABEL"?)* ;
    It specifies the list of edges for a graph, along with optional edge labels for edges. It assumes that the NODE_NAME will also be the label for the node.

    Here is the complete graph grammar that is worth 65 points:

    graph => direction? nodeStyleList edgeStyleList nodeLabelList adjacencyList
    direction => DIRECTION = VERTICAL ;
              |  DIRECTION = HORIZONTAL ;
    nodeStyleList => (nodeStyle ;)*
    edgeStyleList => (edgeStyle ;)*
    nodeLableList => (nodeLabel ;)*
    nodeStyle => NODESTYLE STYLE_NAME? [ attributeList ] nodelist
    edgeStyle => EDGESTYLE STYLE_NAME [ attributeList ]
    attributeList => attribute (, attribute)*
    attribute => COLOR = PROPERTY_NAME
              |  SHAPE = PROPERTY_NAME
              |  FONTNAME = PROPERTY_NAME 
              |  FONTSIZE = NUMBER
    nodeList => NODE_NAME+
    nodeLabel => NODE_NAME = "NODE_LABEL"
    adjacencyList => nodeAdjacencyList+
    nodeAdjacencyList => NODE_NAME -> NODE_NAME "EDGE_LABEL"? STYLE_NAME?
                              (, NODE_NAME "EDGE_LABEL"? STYLE_NAME?)* ;
    Here are a few notes to help you interpret the grammar:

    1. All boldfaced names are terminals (tokens).
    2. All lowercase names are non-terminals.
    3. All operator and punctuation symbols are enclosed in quotes ('').
    4. All keywords are boldfaced and lowercase.
    5. All tokens that have a lexeme associated with them are boldfaced and uppercase.
    6. A NODE_NAME, STYLE_NAME, and PROPERTY_NAME must be a single word delimited by whitespace. They can be any string that starts with a lower/uppercase alphabetic letter and are followed by one or more lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, or '_' (i.e., C identifiers). Note that prohibiting a node name from starting with a number or using an operator symbol does not preclude the label from starting with a number of using an operator symbol.
    7. My scanner does not distinguish between node names, style names, and property names. It just returns the token NAME.
    8. The style name really is optional for a nodestyle, but not for an edgestyle.
    9. A NODE_LABEL and an EDGE_LABEL may be multiple words. My scanner cannot distinguish between a node label and an edge label, so it returns a token named LABEL.

Submission Instructions

  1. Print out your answers to questions 1-7 and hand them in in class.
  2. Put your bison specification in a file named graph.yacc and your lex specification in a file named graph.lex. Create a README file that indicates whether you implemented the small or full version of the grammar. Submit all three files using the 461_submit script.