Lecture Notes

Important: The dates and the assigned readings are tentative until a few days before the actual class so you should make sure you check this site regularly. Chapter assignments refer to chapters in the Connolly and Begg textbook.

Date Topics Assigned Readings Lecture Slides Homework
8/20 Course Overview and Introduction to Databases Chapter 1
  1. Logistics Slides
  2. Database Terminology (Chap 1)
  3. Lecture
8/25 Introduction to Data Modeling Chapter 2
  1. Lecture
  2. Data Modeling Notes
8/27 The Relational Model Chapter 4 slides and lecture ---
9/1, 3 SQL: Data Manipulation
  1. Chapter 6 (skim)
  2. w3schools SQL Tutorial. Read all the SQL Basic, play with the SQL demo, and read the following topics in the advanced section:
    • SQL Order By
    • SQL and & or
    • SQL In
    • SQL Between
    • SQL Join
    • SQL Create
  3. My SQL Notes
  4. Getting Started with Your MySql Database
9/8 SQL: Data Definition Chapter 7 1) DDL Slides
2) Subquery Slides
3) Lecture Video (but Homework is due at 5pm on Thursday)
9/10 Relational Algebra and Calculus Chapter 5 1) Slides
2) Lecture
  • hw2 (Due Thurs. 9/17 at 5pm)
  • hw2 supplementary materials-The DreamHome.sql file will create the relations for the Dream Home property management firm and can be used with question 8.
9/15 Relational Algebra and Calculus Chapter 5 Slides and Lecture ---
9/17, 22 Entity-Relationship Modeling
  1. Chapter 12
  2. Investment Firm Design Case
1) Slides
2) Lecture 9/17
3) Lecture 9/22
hw3 (Due Thurs. 9/24 at 5pm)
9/24, 9/29 Normalization
  1. Chapter 14
  2. Hotel Case Study
1) Slides
2) Lecture 9/24
hw4 (Due Thurs. 10/1 at 5pm)
10/1, 6 Physical Database Design
  1. physical design
  2. Chapter 18
  3. Appendix F or B+-tree and Extendible Hashing handouts under Course Materials on Blackboard
  4. B+-Tree Visualization
1) Lecture 10/1
2) Lecture 10/6
hw5 (Due Fri. 10/9 at 5pm--no late acceptance)
10/8 Introduction to Scripting Languages Lecture 10/8
10/13 Midterm Exam None --- ---
10/15 Fall Break None --- ---
10/20 Perl Control Constructs and Introduction to Regular Expressions Lecture 10/20 ---
10/22 (Engineering Day)--No class but online video Finishing Regular Expressions --- ---
10/27 Perl Functions, Files, and Sorting perl 2 Lecture
10/29 Perl Modules and Object-Oriented Programming perl 2 Lecture ---
11/3 PHP Basics
  1. PHP Tutorial-Read the PHP Basics section through PHP functions
  2. Introduction to PHP
  3. Getting Started in PHP
  4. Brad's Cliff Notes Version of PHP
  5. Geoff Mazeroff's Cliff Notes Version of PHP
Lecture hw8(Due Thurs. Nov 12 at 5pm)
11/5 XHTML forms Creating xhtml forms Lecture ---
11/10 Handling Forms and Session Management in PHP
  1. PHP Tutorial
    • Read the PHP Basics section from PHP Forms to the end
    • PHP Cookies
    • PHP Sessions
  2. Handling Forms
Lecture ---
11/12 XML and PHP interface to mySQL
  1. PHP SQL-Read the PHP MySQL Database section
  2. my PHP SQL notes
  3. XML Introduction
  4. XML Schemas
  5. PHP XML Parsing
Lecture hw9(Due Thurs. Nov 19 at 5pm)
11/17 Introduction to JavaScript
  1. w3 schools JavaScript notes up to, and including, JS Validation.
  2. my JavaScript notes
  3. Arrays, Functions, and Objects
  4. w3 schools JS Objects. First
Lecture ---
11/19 HTML DOM and Javascript DOM API
  1. w3 schools JS HTML DOM. First go to "Learn JavaScript" and then to "JS HTML DOM".
  2. Javascript DOM
Lecture hw10 (Due Tues. 12/1 at 5pm--no late submissions accepted)
11/24 Forms, Events, and Regular Expressions
  1. Forms and form validation
  2. Regular Expressions
Lecture ---
11/26 Thanksgiving   --- ---
12/1 Ajax
  1. w3schools Ajax tutorial
  2. My Ajax notes
Lecture ---