Homework Policies

  1. how and when to submit assignments
  2. policy on late submissions
  3. plagiarism policy


  1. All assignments are due at 6am unless otherwise noted.

  2. Undergraduates in CS465 may pair with another person on the homework assignments. If you do so, then when you make your blackboard submission, please use the blackboard comments section to indicate who your partner is. You are free to also indicate on the homework assignment whom your partner is, but it makes it easier for the TAs if you also indicate it in the blackboard comments section.
  3. Assignments are to be submitted via blackboard.

  4. Written assignments should be submitted as either an ascii text file or as a pdf file that was prepared with a word processor. Under no circumstances should you submit handwritten solutions unless I tell you that it is permissable. If you are asked to submit a program, you should submit it as an ascii text file so that we can run it.

  5. All programs and SQL queries will be tested by running them against test data and may be tested automatically using scripts. For that reason please make sure that you have run and tested them before submitting them. Unfortunately we have very little TA support for this course and hence the TAs will not be able to give your programs or SQL queries more than a cursory inspection. Hence please do not expect to receive credit for queries or programs that "almost" work.

Early and Late Submissions

  1. Early Submission: 5% will be added to your homework grade if you submit it more than 24 hours in advance of the submission deadline. If you must resubmit within those 24 hours because you discover something wrong with your homework, and it's your fault, then you will not receive the 5% bonus. If you must resubmit within 24 hours because of a correction I make to the homework assignment, you will still receive the 5% bonus.
  2. Late Submission: 10% will be deducted from your homework grade for each day that it is late, up to a maximum of 3 days. Anything submitted more than 3 days late will receive a 0. A day is measured from the submission time. For example, if the submission time is 6am on a Tuesday and you submit your assignment at 8pm on Thursday, then 30% will be deducted from your homework grade because the first day runs until 6am on Wednesday, the second day until 6am on Thursday, and the third day until 6am on Friday. In general I will not grant extensions unless you are unable to work on the assignment for the bulk of the assignment period (e.g., a medical emergency on the first couple days of the assignment prevents you from attending class or work on assignments for an entire week). If something comes up the day the assignment is due then you will need to submit late and have some points deducted. In other words, it is not a good idea to procrastinate.


  1. It is permissable to talk to other students about your strategy for solving the problems assigned in labs. However, any code and any written material you submit must be written exclusively by you or provided by Professor Vander Zanden in the notes or in lecture. Note that the word "exclusively" means that you may not use code written by anyone else, including but not limited to former or current students. You may also not use previous solutions that have been posted by me, as that is also not your work, but my work. Failure to follow this guideline is considered plagiarism.

  2. It is not permissable to give code or written material that solves or partially solves a lab assignment to another student. Doing so is considered plagiarism. If you leave your directories or files publicly readable, we will consider that to be evidence that you have voluntarily given your code or written material to other students. Therefore you should read protect all directories and files associated with this course. If you have a directory named cs465 then you can read and write protect it using the following command:
    	UNIX> chmod 0700 ~/cs465

  3. Plagiarism will be dealt with harshly. At best you will receive a 0. At worst you will be referred to the office of student affairs for academic misconduct.