1.      brad = (Employee *)malloc(sizeof(Employee));
     or  brad = (struct person *)malloc(sizeof(struct person));
    1. 0xff4e7a98 + 0x4 = 0xff4e7a9c
    2. 0xfe93ab86 + 0x95 = 0xfe93ac1b

  2. Put a check mark next to any of the following statements that is illegal. Put an 'X' next to any of the following statements that might eventually cause a segmentation violation or bus error. Consider each statement in isolation and assume that all variables have already been initialized to valid values. If there is more than one statement on a line consider the statements as a group (e.g., if the combined effect of the statements might be to eventually cause a segmentation violation, then put an 'X' next to the statements).
           char name[20];
           char first_name[10];
           char last_name[20];
           char *str_ptr;
           _/ = checkmark
           _/  name = str_ptr;   (cannot assign a pointer to a statically allocated array)
               str_ptr = name;   (legal)
           _/  if (name == "brad") { ... } (must use strcmp instead)
           _/  name = "sue"; (must use strcpy instead)
           _/  first_name = strdup("tom"); (cannot assign a pointer to a statically alocated array)
           X   strcpy(name, first_name); strcat(name, last_name); (The second strcat may write
                                  past the end of name's memory)
               name[10] = 'c';  (legal)
           X   str_ptr[10] = 'c'; (could be a write past str_ptr's memory, depending on the
                                    size of the string currently pointed to by str_ptr)
    1. What is the output of printf statement (1)? puppy 5
    2. What is the output of printf statement (2)? 0xffbef98c 0xffbef978
    3. What is the output of printf statement (3)? 0xffbef980
    4. What is the value of *double_int_ptr? 0xffbef98c
    5. What is the value of **double_int_ptr? 5
    6. 	                                --------------------
      	  0xffbef974 double_int_ptr     | 0xffbef978       |
      	  0xffbef978 int_ptr            | 0xffbef98c       |
      	  0xffbef97c string_ptr         | 0xffbef980       |
      	  0xffbef980 word               | 'p' 'u' 'p' 'p'  |
      	  0xffbef984 word (continued)   | 'y' '\0' ?   ?   |
      	  0xffbef988                    | ?????            |
      	  0xffbef98c count              | 5                |

    1. test1.c:
      	s = 0xefffe4f8
              i=0 x=0xefffe4f8 x=Plank *x=P x-s=0
              i=1 x=0xefffe4f9 x=lank *x=l x-s=1
              i=2 x=0xefffe4fa x=ank *x=a x-s=2
              i=3 x=0xefffe4fb x=nk *x=n x-s=3
              i=4 x=0xefffe4fc x=k *x=k x-s=4
    2. test2.c:
      	s = 0xefffe4f0
      	i = 0 x=0xefffe4f0 *x=50 x-s=0
      	i = 1 x=0xefffe4f4 *x=51 x-s=1
      	i = 2 x=0xefffe4f8 *x=50 x-s=2
      	i = 3 x=0xefffe4fc *x=51 x-s=3
      	i = 4 x=0xefffe500 *x=50 x-s=4
    3. test3.c:
      	Enter two words:
      	Jim Plank
      	Smaller is Jim
      	Enter two words:
      	Tee Martin
      	Smaller is Martin
      	Enter two words:
      	Sammy Sosa
      	Smaller is Sammy
      	Enter two words:
      	vols VOLS
      	Smaller is VOLS
      	Enter two words:
      	VOLS VOLS
      	Segmentation fault
      The program seg faults on the last pair of words because smaller returns a null pointer. Hence when printf tries to de-reference the pointer to print the string it seg faults because it is de-referencing a null pointer.

  3. Your output may vary from mine because your program will be located in a different part of a memory. However the variation should only occur in the memory addresses.
    1. output that gdb produces when it runs testgdb:
      Starting program: /home/bvz/courses/140/spring-2005/hw/testgdb 
      x = 18
      Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
      0x000106d0 in count (string=0xffbff6d0 "brad vander zanden") at testgdb.c:10
      10          *x = strlen(string);
    2. output that gdb produces when you execute the backtrace command:
      #0  0x000106d0 in count (string=0xffbff6d0 "brad vander zanden")
          at testgdb.c:10
      #1  0x00010790 in main () at testgdb.c:20
    3. The value of x when printed using gdb's print command:
      $1 = (int *) 0xffbff6d3
    4. The program tried to assign an integer to the address pointed to by x but the address was not aligned on a word boundary (i.e., it was not divisible by 4).