Bradley T. Vander Zanden

Professor Emeritus

Address:Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
University of Tennessee
Suite 401 Min Kao Building
1520 Middle Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996

Research Interests

Professor Vander Zanden's research focuses on two areas:

  1. innovative teaching approaches in the classroom, especially in introductory programming courses. Specifically, Professor Vander Zanden is experimenting with flipped classroom approaches in both his lower and upper division courses. He has developed two website teaching tools, Code Assessor and the C++ Visualizer, which allow him to give students in-class programming exercises and immediate feedback on their efforts.
  2. power reduction in mobile devices: Professor Vander Zanden is examining how modifying the way in which mobile device operating systems handle events could lead to less battery consumption by allowing the CPU to sleep longer. Specifically he is looking at how existing polling loops that continuously rouse the CPU in order to poll input devices for events could be replaced with a "push" model that only rouses the CPU when an event arrives at an input device. Such a "push" model would allow the CPU to sleep between events, whereas the existing "pull" model continuously rouses the CPU, even if there are no events pending on any input device.


1979-1982: Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
BS in Accounting/Computer Science

1983-1985: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
MS in Computer Science

1985-1988: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Computer Science

Professional Experience

1982: Arthur Andersen, Columbus, OH
Consultant in the Management Information Consulting Division

1982-1983: Chemical Abstracts Service, Columbus, OH
Programmer in the Systems Development Division

1988-1990: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Postdoctoral position under the supervision of Brad A. Myers.

1990-1996: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department

1996-2002: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department

2002-2007: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Professor in the Computer Science Department

2003-2007: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Associate Head, Computer Science Department

2007-2019: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department

Awards and Honors



  1. B. T. Vander Zanden, H.M. Taylor, and D. Bitton. A General Framework for Computing Block Accesses. 1987. In Information Systems, 12, 2, 177-190.
  2. L.A. Barford and B.T. Vander Zanden. Attribute Grammars in Constraint-based Graphics Systems. 1989. In Software Practice and Experience, 19(4), 309-328.
  3. K-Y. Whang, B. Vander Zanden and H. Taylor. A Linear-time Probabilistic Counting Algorithm for Database Applications. 1990. In ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 15, 2, 208-229.
  4. B. Myers, D. Giuse, R. Dannenberg, B. Vander Zanden, D. Kosbie, E. Pervin, A. Mickish, and P. Marchal. Garnet: Comprehensive Support for Graphical, Highly-Interactive User Interfaces. 1990. In IEEE Computer, 23(11), 71-85.
  5. B. Vander Zanden and B.A. Myers. A Constraints Primer. 1990. In IEEE Computer, 23(11), 74-75.
  6. B.A. Myers and B. Vander Zanden. An Environment for Rapidly Creating Interactive Design Tools. 1992. In The Visual Computer, 8(2), 94-116.
  7. B. Vander Zanden. An Active-Value-Spreadsheet Model for Interactive Languages. 1992. In Languages for Developing User Interfaces, 183-210. Brad A. Myers, ed., Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston.
  8. J. Cordy, R. Hill, G. Singh, and B. Vander Zanden. Report of the Linguistic Support Working Group. 1992. In Languages for User Interfaces, 385-400, Brad A. Myers, ed., Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston.
  9. B. Vander Zanden, B.A. Myers, D. Giuse, and P. Szekely. Integrating Pointer Variables into One-Way Constraint Models. 1994. In ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction, 1(2), 161- 213.
  10. B. Vander Zanden and B.A. Myers. Demonstrational and Constraint-Based Techniques for Pictorially Specifying Application Objects and Behaviors. 1995. In ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction. 2(4), 308-356.
  11. B. Vander Zanden. An Incremental Algorithm for Satisfying Hierarchies of Multi-way, Dataflow Constraints. 1996. In ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 18(1), 30-72.
  12. J. Constantin, M. Berry, and B. Vander Zanden. Parallelization of the Hoshen-Kopelman Algorithm Using a Finite State Machine. 1997. In International Journal of Supercomputer Applications and High Performance Computing, 11(1), 34-48.
  13. B.A. Myers, R. McDaniel, R. Miller, B. Vander Zanden, D. Giuse, D. Kosbie, and A. Mickish. Our Experience with Prototype-Instance Object-Oriented Programming in Amulet and Garnet. In Interfaces, Aug, 1998. Vol. 39, pp 4-9.
  14. B.A. Myers, R. McDaniel, R. Miller, B. Vander Zanden, D. Giuse, D. Kosbie and A. Mickish. The Prototype-Instance Object Systems in Amulet and Garnet. In Prototype Based Programming, James Noble, Antero Taivalsaari and Ivan Moore, eds., Springer-Verlag, 1999, pp. 141-176.
  15. B. Vander Zanden and R. Halterman. Using Model Dataflow Graphs to Reduce the Storage Requirements of Constraints. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Sept, 2001, 8(3), pp. 223-265.
  16. B. Vander Zanden, R. Halterman, B.A. Myers, R. McDaniel, R. Miller, P. Szekely, D. Giuse, and D. Kosbie. Lessons Learned About One-Way, Dataflow Constraints in the Garnet and Amulet Graphical Toolkits. In ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Nov, 2001, 23(6), pp. 776-796.
  17. B. Vander Zanden, R. Halterman, B.A. Myers, R. Miller, P. Szekely, D. Giuse, D. Kosbie and R. McDaniel. Lessons Learned from Programmers' Experiences with One-way Constraints. In Software Practice and Experience, 2005, 35:1275-1298.
  18. J.S. Plank, A.L. Buchsbaum and B.T. Vander Zanden. Minimum Density RAID-6 Codes. In ACM Transactions on Storage, Volume 6(5), May, 2011.
  19. B. Vander Zanden, D. Anderson, C. Taylor, W. Davis, and M. W. Berry. Code Assessor: An Interactive, Web-Based Tool For Introductory Programming. In The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Dec. 2012, 28(2), pp. 73-80.
  20. B. Vander Zanden and M. W. Berry. Improving Automatic Code Assessment. In The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Volume 29 Issue 2, December 2013, pp. 162-168.
  21. S. Marz and B. Vander Zanden. Reducing Power Consumption and Latency in Mobile Devices Using an Event Stream Model. In ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing, Nov. 2016, 16(1).
  22. M. Raji, J. Duggan, B. DeCotes, J. Huang, and B.T. Vander Zanden. Modeling and Visualizing Student Flow. In IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2018.
  23. S. Marz, B.T. Vander Zanden, and W. Gao. Reducing Event Latency and Power Consumption in Mobile Devices by Using a Kernel-Level Display Server. In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2018.

    Refereed Conferences

  24. B.T. Vander Zanden, H.M. Taylor, and D. Bitton. Estimating Block Accesses when Attributes are Correlated. 1986. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, (Kyoto, Japan, August 25-28, 1986), 119-127.
  25. D. Kozen, T. Teitelbaum, W. Chen, J. Field, W. Pugh, and B. Vander Zanden. ALEX-An Alexical Programming Language. 1987. In Proceedings of the 1987 Workshop on Visual Languages, (Linkoping, Sweden, August 19-21, 1987), 315-329.
  26. B. Vander Zanden. Constraint Grammars in User Interface Management Systems. 1988. In Proceedings Graphics Interface'88, (Edmonton, Canada, June 6-10, 1988), 176-184.
  27. B. Vander Zanden. Constraint Grammars: A New Model for Specifying Graphical Applications. 1989. In CHI'89 Conference Proceedings, (Austin, Texas, Apr. 30 - May 4, 1989), 325-330.
  28. B. Myers, B. Vander Zanden, and R. Dannenberg. Creating Graphical Interactive Application Objects by Demonstration. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Williamsburg, VA, Nov., 1989, pp. 76-85.
  29. B. Vander Zanden and B. Myers. Automatic, Look-and-Feel Independent Dialog Creation for Graphical User Interfaces. In CHI'90 Conference Proceedings, (Seattle, WA, Apr. 1-5, 1990), 27-34.
  30. B. Vander Zanden, B. Myers, D. Giuse, and P. Szekely. The Importance of Pointer Variables in Constraint Models. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Hilton Head, SC, (Nov. 11-13, 1991), 155-164.
  31. B. Myers, D. Giuse, and B. Vander Zanden. Declarative Programming in a Prototype-Instance System: Object- Oriented Programming without Writing Methods. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications; OOPSLA'92, Vancouver, CA, (Oct, 1992), 184-200.
  32. J. Constantin, M. Berry, and B. Vander Zanden. C++ Implementations of Cluster Identification and Geometry on the CM-5. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth IMACS World Congress on Computation and Applied Mathematics, Edited by W. F. Ames, (1994), pp. 639-641.
  33. B. Vander Zanden. Optimizing Toolkit-Generated Graphical Interfaces, In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Marina del Rey, CA, (Nov, 1994), 157-166.
  34. B.T. Vander Zanden and S.A. Venckus. An Empirical Study of Constraint Usage in Graphical Applications, In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Seattle, WA, (Nov, 1996), 137-147.
  35. D.R. Brown and B.T. Vander Zanden. The Whiteboard Environment: An Electronic Sketchpad for Data Structure Design and Algorithm Description. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Sept. 1-4, 1998.
  36. B. Vander Zanden and R. Halterman. Reducing the Storage Requirements of Constraint Dataflow Graphs. In Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Asheville, NC, (Nov. 1999), pp. 83-92.
  37. B. Vander Zanden, D. Baker, and J. Jin. An Explanation-Based, Visual Debugger for One-Way Constraints. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Santa Fe, NM (Oct. 2004), pp. 207-216.
  38. T. Angskun, G. Bosilca, B. Vander Zanden and J. Dongarra, Optimal Routing in Binomial Graph Networks. In The International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT), Adelaide, Australia, Dec, 2007.
  39. Michael Orsega, Bradley T. Vander Zanden, and Christopher H. Skinner, Two experiments using learning rate to evaluate an experimenter developed tool for splay trees. In SIGCSE'11 Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, Dallas, TX (March 2011), pp 135-140.
  40. Michael Orsega, Bradley T. Vander Zanden, and Christopher H. Skinner, Experiments with Algorithm Visualization Tool Development. In SIGCSE'12 ACM technical symposium on Computer Science Education, pp 559-564.
  41. M. Raji, J. Duggan, B. DeCotes, J. Huang, and B.T. Vander Zanden. Visual Progression Analysis of Student Records Data. In Visual Data Science 2017, October 2017.

    Unrefereed Articles

  42. B.T. Vander Zanden and R. Halterman. Using Model Dataflow Graphs to Reduce the Storage Requirements of Constraints. In ACM Interactions, July/August 2001, pp. 13-14.


  43. B. Vander Zanden. Symbolic Manipulation and Graphical Applications of Constraints. 1988. Presented at Workshop on Constraints and Languages, April 20-22, Providence, R.I.

    Refereed Published Videotapes

  44. B. Vander Zanden and B.A. Myers. The Lapidary Graphical Interface Design Tool. Technical Video Program of the CHI'91 conference. New Orleans, LA, April 27-May 2, 1991. 10 minutes.
  45. B.A. Myers, D. Giuse, A. Mickish, B. Vander Zanden, D. Kosbie, R. McDaniel, J. Landay, M. Goldberg, and R. Pathasarathy. The Garnet User Interface Development Environment. Technical Video Program of the CHI'94 conference. Boston, MA, April 24-28, 1994. 10 minutes.

    Technical Reports

  46. B. Vander Zanden. A domain-independent algorithm for incrementally satisfying multi-way constraints. Computer Science Department, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996.
  47. B. Vander Zanden. An incremental algorithm for satisfying hierarchies of multi-way dataflow constraints. Computer Science Department, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996.
  48. B. Vander Zanden, D. Baker, and J. Jin. An Explanation-Based, Visual Debugger for Spreadsheet-like Constraints. Technical Report #ut-cs-02-487, Computer Science Department, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996.
  49. B. Vander Zanden, R. Halterman, B.A. Myers, R. Miller, P. Szekely, D. Giuse, D. Kosbie and R. McDaniel. Lessons Learned from Users' Experiences with Spreadsheet Constraints in the Garnet and Amulet Graphical Toolkits. Techical Report #ut-cs-02-488, Computer Science Department, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996.
  50. S. Marz and B. Vander Zanden. Reducing Power Consumption and Latency in Mobile Devices Using an Event Stream Model. Technical Report #ut-eecs-15-737. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996.


National Science Foundation Combining Imperative and Constraint Programming in Interactive and Parallel Computing
70,000 1991-1993
Hewlett-Packard Equipment
228,000 1991-1992
Hewlett-Packard Creating Highly Interactive Applications by Direct Manipulation
22,000 1991-1992
National Science Foundation An Interactive Whiteboard Environment
85,000 1994-1996
National Science Foundation Adaptive, Profile-Based Compilation of Highly Interactive, Graphical Applications
168,000 1996-1999
National Science Foundation REU Undergraduate Supplement
5,000 1997-1998
National Science Foundation New Visualization and Debugging Technology for One-Way, Dataflow Constraints
90,000 1999-2001
UT-Battelle The Development of a BRL-CAD GUI for Industrial Facilities Modeling and for JAVA Technical Systems
455,875 2000-2007
UT-Battelle Completion of Event/Fault and Tree Solver JAVA Interface
7,508 2000
Faculty First Web-based Lectures as a Supplemental Learning Device for & Introductory Computer Science
1,500 2011
Project RITE An Interactive, Web-Based Tool for Introductory Programming Michael Berry 3,000 2012
Tennessee Learning Center Creative Teaching Award --- 5,000 2012
National Science Foundation III: Small: Reducing The Graphical User Interface's Consumption of Power on Mobile Devices Wei Gao 384.297 2016-2019

Professional Activities

Teaching and Advising Activities