Depth-First Search
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Depth-First Search(DFS): DFS is a graph algorithm that is able to visit every node and every edge given a starting node. With that being said, the time complexity of using DFS to traverse the entire graph is O(|V| + |E|) where V is the number of nodes and E is the number of edges.
def DFS(n):
  mark n as visited
  for each edge of n:
    if edge->to_node is not visited: DFS(to_node)
Input Explanations:
1. starting node: The starting node to begin the traversal
2. ending node: This is an optional input. If this is specified DFS will try to find a path between the starting node and ending node

按键说明:Run DFS:从输入的起始顶点开始,沿着一条路一直走到终止节点,然后从这条路尽头的节点回退到上一个节点,再从另一条路开始走到底...,不断递归重复此过程,直到所有的顶点都遍历完成