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Queue: Queue is a "first in, first out" (FIFO) data structure. It contains a pointer to the first node and last node, and its size.
Queue Node: It contains the data and a pointer to the next queue node. Its information is shown in a rectangle. The label below the rectangle shows the associated memory address
API Explanation:
1. Push Back: Add a new node at the end - O(1)
2. Pop Front: Remove the first node - O(1)
3. Clear Queue: Clear the entire queue
按键说明:在文本框中输入要添加的新元素的值,点击”Push back”和”Pop front”进行添加和移除操作。要注意的是,由于队列的特殊性,在添加元素要时从队列的末尾进行添加,而想要移除其中的元素时,只能从队列的最前方(最早添加的元素)开始移除。所以无论在进行移除操作时,无论输入什么值,都只能默认从队列的最前方开始移除。